He Lives On My Block

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A/N: Liam is back in this chapter! Yay! He plays a big role in the story though he hasn't really been in it. Also some sexual content but not much. Enjoy!


"Hey Leigh, my mum is sick so I'll be staying at her place for the weekend. I'll be back home on Sunday so till then if ya need me then ring me on my celly. If I don' t answer then ya know my mum's number. Love ya! Keep safe. - Jade."

Leigh Anne ended the voicemail and continued making her way in her apartment building. It was nearing midnight and she spent the day at her parents' house; her mother scolding her while her father asked if her apartment was safe from robbers. She knew they were going to be a little overbearing but she didn't expect her little sister to lecture her about the importance of calling them once in awhile. Her and Layla were close - Layla being four years younger - but Layla was the more 'mature' one. She wasn't much a party girl and took to studying and sports while Leigh Anne enjoyed the nightlife and partying. But somehow they had so much in common. Leigh Anne even let Harry slip out to her while her parents were off making dinner. Layla seemed very curious about the curly haired guy that had her sister smitten so quickly, and Leigh promised to bring him to meet them soon.

Once Leigh Anne walked up the final step and turned down the hall to her apartment she heard a bark. She immediately stopped when her brown eyes locked on Harry and a very happy Hazza playing on the floor by his door. A smile graced her lips as she practically jogged the rest of the way to them, stopping when Harry turned to look up at her with a face that said 'I told you I'd get him back'. Leigh didn't know if she should be shocked because the landlord was so bent on giving Hazza away but she didn't doubt Harry could do it - he had a way with words.

"You got him back?!" She squealed as she fell to the floor beside him, Hazza running over to her to place kisses all over her face. "Oh my god, Harry! I didn't believe you could really do it!" Harry gave her an offended look causing her to laugh and lean over to hug him. Hazza continued his attack on both of them, barking joyously when Harry picked him up and cradled him in one of his arms.

"It took a lot of convincing but...he relented after awhile." Harry replied with a small smirk. His eyes glanced over at  his apartment for a second before looking over at Leigh Anne's joyous face. "I just wanted see that look on your face again. Ya looked so sad earlier...didn't wanna start your weekend off like that."

She looked down bashfully before petting Hazza once more. "Thanks, Harry. You're really too sweet to me." When she went to look back up at him she wish she hadn't. Harry was now looking at her with a look she hasn't seen before. Leigh was use to his flirtacious glances and playful looks when he would make dirty suggestions; but now it was much more than that. His green eyes seemed to stare into her own as he bit hard into his bottom lip. The sullen expression on his face seemed to shift into something stronger as his eyes darted from hers to her lips and stared at them with intense hunger. Leigh was feeling a little bit too hot from his gaze - she felt like he was ready to undress her right there on the floor. And though Jade yelled at her earlier for them traumatizing her in the hall, Leigh felt like she would let him if he tried.

"Hey...wanna come in my apartment? Jade isn't home...she's off at her mum's for the rest of the weekend." Leigh Anne asked finally when she realized they were just staring at each other for a long time. She figured that if they were both wanting the same thing at the moment and what was the harm in just going through with it? They were both young, and she very much liked Harry. When he grinned at her and nodded they both got up from the floor.

She approached her door and began fiddling with the keys, getting a little nervous. She heard Harry give a little chuckle behind her as he probably sensed it. That made Leigh hold her head up higher and calm her nerves - she was not going to look like some blushing virgin in front of him. She was going to be in control and for once stop making a fool of herself when he was around. Tonight was the night that they would finally define this relationship - whatever it was - and she was ready.

Teenage Dirtbag (Harry Styles/Leigh Anne Pinnock, One Direction/Little Mix)Where stories live. Discover now