- 1 -

46 3 0

S a t u r d a y ,  J u n e  1 1  

- 3:03 pm -

[ Hello! ]

[ Hellooo ]

[ Anybody home? ]

- 3:20 pm -

{ Um..who are you? }

[ You finally answered! :D ]

{ Obviously, now answer my question }

[ Jeeze..I thought you would be nicer ]

{ Omg just answer the question }

[ Fine. Wassup babe. The name's Tyler. ]

{ 1. Don't call me babe 2. How'd you get my number? }

[ Funny story, some random person commented on my Instagram post saying 'Hit my friend up. She lonely af.' and then a phone number was typed in after. I'm guessing it's yours? ]

{ Yeah no shit. What's the person's username? }

[ 'Riley' something ]

[ Wait lemme check real quick... ]

{ No need ik exactly who it is. Thanks for the talk, although I didn't necessarily enjoy it. Now, will you excuse me, I need to have a serious talk with someone. I don't expect you to text back so goodbye }

[ Wow -.- thanks for enjoying my presence ]

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