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T u e s d a y ,  J u n e  2 1

- 3:29 pm -

Tyler and his friend, Curtis, strolled around the mall on one fine Saturday afternoon. They checked out shops and, most definitely, checked out girls. Due to their hella hot genes, they never failed to make every girl swoon.

" Aye yo that brunette over there is H to the O to the T-T-T. "

Curtis's British accent rang through the air. Tyler cocks his head to the side to look at the girl. She was rather hot, yes, but he bet 'sweet cheeks' was hotter. Instead of responding with sexual innuendos like how he used to do all the time, Tyler just merely nods. Curtis catches his strange behavior and turns to face his friend.

" Yo Tyler, dude. What's up with you? Is it that mystery girl again? "

Tyler hesitates before shaking his head.

" Come on man. I know you're thinking about her don't even deny it. Do you understand how much you've spoken to me about her. Bloody hell, almost all our conversations are about her and how you wish to make love to her voice. Sometimes your blabbering is such a pain in my arse. "

Tyler chuckles.

" Curtis, you know that's not- "

He stops mid-sentence after spotting his friend's pointed look.

" Okay fine you're right. It's really bugging me though. It's like I know her but then I don't. I don't even know her name for fuck's sake! "

" Why don't you ask? "

" She won't tell me. I tried, trust me. "

" Well, why don't you ask that Riley chick. She clearly knows mystery girl well enough to have her number. "

Tyler stops and turns to his friend.

" Curtis, you're a genius! "

" Dafuq bro? Of course I am! "

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