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T u e s d a y ,  J u n e  2 1

- 5:10 pm -

" So how was work, my darling? "

" Ri, please stop acting like my mom. "

The two girls are on their lunch breaks and are currently munching on some delicious burgers at Islands.

" Sorry babe. Just curious. Sounds like you had a rough time at work. "

" Well kinda. Would've been better if the fuckboys just stayed away from my personal bubble. "

" Whoa there. You encountered another set of guys?! Girl, you're like a babe magnet. I would die to be in your spot. "

"Ew. Trust me, you wouldn't. "

" Were the dudes hot at least? "

" No. "

" On second thought, I don't think I should trust your opinion because you obviously can't tell whether a guy is hot or not. You always reply with the same answer. "

" Whatever. I can't deny the truth."

Riley shrugs.

" But next time you encounter guys, call me. I'm always one store down. "

The door swings open and a familiar pair walks through the entrance.

Speaking of fuckboys... "

That Vans ChickWhere stories live. Discover now