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T u e s d a y ,  J u l y  5

- 10:19 pm -

[ Guess who's back? ;) ]

{ ...and he returns.... }

[ Awwe sweet cheeks you missed me :') ]

{ ... }

{ Oh I do wish I could take that back...but in all honesty, I actually kinda did. Where tf did you go? }

[ I was a bit busy, sorry sweet cheeks ]

{ Meh we've all been there. For a second, I thought you were dead or some shit }

- 10:38 pm -

[ Hey sweet cheeks? Do you hate me? ]

{ What? Where is this coming from? And no I don't necessarily hate you }

[ Then that kinda means you've taken a liking to me, yeah? ]

{ Weeeeelllllll...okay fine, I guess you can say that }

[ Cool I like you too c: ]

{ Nice to know someone actually doesn't hate me for once :) }

[ Wanna make a deal? ]

{ I'm game }

[ Ik you somehow like to keep your identity hidden from me, so I was thinking...If I find out who you are without pictures and all that bull crap - and this takes my stalking skills to a whole new level - you will give me the chance to ask you out. ]

{ What if you don't find out who I am? }

[ I won't know your identity. I won't ask you out. I'll just be in a corner bawling my eyes out as I think about how much of a failure I am in life ]

{ That seems chill. I'll accept your deal, even though ik you're going to lose anyway }

[ Don't get your hopes up, sweet cheeks :* ]

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