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F r i d a y ,  J u n e  1 7

- 12:09 pm -

{ Riles, can you come over? I need your help again. }


[ I'd love to come over ;) ]

{ Omg.. -.- }

[ I'm joking! xD Unless you really want me to come over, I'd be more than happy to :) ]

{ ...no... }

[ What's the issue? ]

{ Why would I tell you? It's none of your business }

[ I just wanted to help. Jeeze take a chill pill ]

{ -.- }

[ So...? ]

{ Fine. I tripped and spilled a whole gallon of milk on the ground... }


{ Don't laugh asshole }

[ So can I still come over? ;) ]

{ No. }

[ Damn... ]

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