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T u e s d a y ,  J u n e  2 1

- 3:40 pm -

" So what'd she say? "

Tyler puts his phone into his pocket after reading Riley's last text.

" She told me to ask her... "

" That wasn't very helpful was it? "

" Nope, but she did give me a hint. She said that you can find her name at Las Vegas. "

" Well, fuck. You got some web surfing to do, mate. "

The boys turn and walk into the Vans store. A 'Damn Daniel' remix blasts through the store's speakers.

Curtis scowls.

" They made a fucking remix out of 'Damn Daniel' what the hell? "

Tyler laughs at his annoyed friend and continues browsing the store.

" Aye, Curtis. This snapback is sick, yeah? "

Tyler grabs a grey snapback with cool designs on the brim.

" Damn that's sexy. I'd fuck the shit outta that hat. "

Tyler looks at his friend like he grew three heads.

" Whatever. I'm gonna get this. Are you buying anything? "

" Nah I'm good for now. "

They walk up to the cash register. Tyler places the hat onto the counter before reaching into his pocket for his wallet.

" $23.75 is your total. "

" Hello, gorgeous. "

The girl looks at Curtis blankly.

" Did it hurt? When you fe- "

" -fell from heaven? Nah, but I did scrape my knee crawling up from hell. "

Curtis's expression changes to a surprised one as his mouth hung agape. The girl just grinned in reply, taking the money from Tyler's hand.

" Damn savage. "

Tyler smirks and high fives the girl.

" Wha- You- "

" Chill, dude. I was just joking. "

Curtis chuckled nervously and ran his hand through his blond hair as Tyler did a once-over at the girl. Standing at a height that seemed to be about 5' 4", she was kinda cute. She had medium length light brown hair and had the most beautiful pearly white smile he has ever seen. Although in his mind, Tyler bet 'sweet cheeks' was cuter.

" Ha. You're funny but still gorgeous as fuck. Can I have you're number? "

" In your dreams hot shot. "

The girl hands Tyler his snapback and his change as she glances up. They make eye contact and Tyler notices her glistening gray eyes. Meanwhile, the girl studies him. He was pretty tall, probably 6 feet. Dark brown eyes, sharp af jawline that girls now-a-days would go crazy for, and chocolate brown hair styled into the world-famous quiff that almost every single boy has. From what she could tell, he's been keeping up with the fashion trends. Like every other guy out there, he was dressed in a navy blue button up and khaki-colored jeans.

" You two, get a room! The sexual tension is intoxicating. " 

Tyler sighs in annoyance at his friend, but turns back and grins at the girl.

" Don't mind my friend he's a bit... "

Tyler brings a finger next to his head and moves it in a circular motion.

" Ah I can tell. "

The girl grins back. 

" Well, thank you for shopping at Vans. Try not to get high, you two. I have a feeling it won't end well. "

" No promises, babe. "

Tyler begins pushing Curtis out of the store.

" Wha- Hey! I never got your number! AH! Stop shoving me you fuckhead! "

With that, the two boys scramble out of the store and the girl sighs in relief. 

" Can there be at least be one normal guy? "

That Vans ChickWhere stories live. Discover now