Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Lily's POV

This morning I woke up in a bad mood and my eyes ached from crying. After my dramatic leave no one came up to talk, not even a knock. Which was fine by me I was in no mood to speak. Dressing quickly in skinny jeans and a tee that was pretty tight for my liking but I was in a rush. I slipped out the front not wanting to run into anyone.

At school I managed to avoid Rach's questions about the hot older guy I ditched them for. Nick even asked how I learned to skate so quick. I answered with one word responses getting puzzled looks from my friends. My classes went the same. I only spoke when spoken to barely understanding what I was saying.

When it was time for lunch I went over to the parking spaces like I was suppose to. The table was packed, Jake and his friends were now always here for some reason. There was Cindy sitting on Jake's lap, nick and Rach the same way. Terry was flirting with a red headed guy. Sighing at the flirtatious teens I took the only empty seat by some guy with his back to me.

Good I don't have to fake a conversation if everyone is ignoring me. Slipping my headphones on I listened to my ipod but my mind drifted off to the precautions of my 'speech'.

Dad is probably going to make me go to counseling again. My stupid therapist and her stupid stress ball. How the hell is a ball suppose relieve my stress. She claims that talking about my mom will help but it doesn't help.

My shoulders dropped as a sudden disappointment washed through me. That's not true it does feel good when I talked to Ethan. It was like my burden lightened. He just sits and listens not ever judging me or my mom.

My headphones were yanked out of my ear by a annoyed looking Terry. Urg that guy she was flirting with disappeared. Smart guy ran for the hills.

"Are you listening? Who was that hot guy with you yesterday?" she asked a little too loud

Everyone turned to the sound of her voice. Great just great.

"A friend, he works for my dad." I said shrugging

"Ohh older guy means he knows a thing or two." she winked an eye full of crusty mascara

Reisting the urge to reply with some smarty remark I smiled. Replying means the start of a conversation.

"So how was he?"

My eyes widened at the red head from the other day who's name is Jane.

"Like I said he is a friend." I said more rudely than I meant

Terry rolled her eyes not beliving my answer. Why is everyone assuming I'm some secert mega slut. Jane leaned in and whispered.

"Its fine Jake isn't paying attention."

Sure enough Jake was nuzzling Cindy's neck whispering something that made her blush. Jane had a smirk on her face as she followed my gaze.

"Wow and here I thought you couldn't get any sluttier. Not everyone's thoughts revolve around getting fucked." I spit bitterly

Jane stared her mouth wide. My eyes stung as dad's words played in my head. Before I could cry I stood up and left the lunchroom.

Trying to keep myself calm I paced in the hallway willing my tears back. Why am I so weak? This is normal isn't it, slutty girls can't help it. Wiping my moist eyelashes I took a deep breath.

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