Chapter 23

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Happy holidays!! Sorry for the late, late, late upload I was trying to catch up on my school work. I'm a procrastinator so what sue me :P

Any who ENJOY!!


Chapter 23

Lily's POV

Unwrapping my chocolate bar I took a bite, hmmm cookies n cream! My eyes fluttered in delight as I licked the corners of my mouth catching the pieces of cookies that crumbled.

"Again with the horrible acting." Nick said from next to me.

I bumped my shoulder against his. Rachel giggled and shoved him back to me.

"Don't hurt the pretty boy." he said raising his hands up a smile on his face

Rolling my eyes I took another bite. Pointing my chin upwards I closed my eyes ignoring Nick and Rachel's laughter.

We were sitting at our usual corner table with Jake and his friends but no slut squad! Rachel finally left the slut squad's side which is a huge relief but Jake's friends liked the group togethers with or without the booty calls.

Across from me was Seth, Scott and Jeff. Jake sat at my side with Cindy on his lap. Jake made his friends sit away from me which was a good thing.

Scott has been giving me creepy looks the whole time. He even had his foot by mine occasionally kicking the side of my foot.

I wanted to laugh at his attempt to 'seduce' me.

"Hey guys." Ethan said approaching the table

He slid next to next Nick and I. The guys watched him with dark looks.

"Look who got off his high horse to join us." Nick joked

One side of Ethan's mouth tipped upwards into a croaked smirk. I bit my lip hard trying to get my thoughts away from Ethan's knee buckling smirk.

"Yeah what's the occasion?" Jake added

Ethan shrugged letting his eyes travel lazily to me. My heart thumped against my chest rapidly from the dazzling smile and his obviousness.

Is he stupid Jake will tear his head off! What a good looking head too.

"Leave Andy alone." Cindy said smiling over my head

Rachel's girlish laugh rang behind me. Cindy bit her lip stifling her own laughter. What is up with them?

"We needed more girls not another guy." Scott muttered under his breath

"It didn't look like you were having any luck." Ethan said smiling wickedly

From the corner of my eye I could see Jake's red face. I kicked Ethan in the knee, he looked up cocking his head to the side. Shrugging my shoulders I took another bite of my chocolate.

"Speaking of luck you haven't had any recently." Scott replied smugly

I stopped chewing and looked over to Ethan. We have been together for a couple days but we barely had any time together since we have to hide our relationship. Ethan made it obvious that he still wanted to go public but I'm not sure we should just yet.

Ethan licked his lips smirking smugly. As a warning I stepped on his foot causing his smirk to widen.

"I don't tell you guys everything."

Nick leaned forward a grin on his face. "Do we know her?"

"You've seen her." Ethan nodded his head

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