Chapter 31

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Okay this chapter is not a total shocker. Wait did I just say total?!

Anyhoo I hope you enjoy BTW there is only a few chapters left of this story:'(





Chapter 31

"Oh my gawd Scott stop!" Terry shrieked a wide smile on her face

Scott was grinding behind her as she giggled annoyingly. The gang including the slut squad was hanging out at the football field since we were all seniors we were let out early today.

I was sitting on a higher step not paying any attention. These horny teens were the least of my problems.

After my small argument with Annabelle it had me thinking that my dear stepmom could be responsible for my mom's death.

She could have sent the pills but how could she have gotten them, these pills are by prescription only. Maybe I'm reading to much into this.

What if Annabelle is right? What if my mom really did put herself in her grave? Is anyone really to blame?

A large hand cupped my cheek forcing me to look to my left and meet a pair of emerald green eyes.

"Hi remember me." Ethan joked

I felt like a jerk as I stared at his gleaming face. I'm ignoring him.

"Sorry I was caught up in my thoughts." I said

He rubbed his thumb against my cheek. By the sympathetic look on his face he knew what I was thinking about.

"Do you want to get out of here and talk about it?" he asked

Ethan was excited about finally beginning a couple in public. To be honest I don't understand why he is so excited, it's just me.

Leaning my face against his hand I scooted closer to his side. I'm not being fair to him.

"I'm fine where I am." I muttered as I pressed a sweet kiss to the corner of his mouth

He shivered at the lingering kiss and immediately nipped at my bottom lip. Pulling away I shook my head a teasing smile on my face.

"Playing hard to get?" he asked raising a brow

I ran my tongue over my sudden dry lips. He had this effect of making my heart race. My mind gets cloudy with an intense need for him.

A throaty moan passed his lips causing my skin to break into goosebumps. Ethan grabbed my leg and swung it over his.

The dark look of desire in his eyes had my insides squirming with anticipation.

He lowered his head to my neck where he buried his face. Today was a warm day so I was only wearing a light v neck sweater.

Ethan rubbed his nose lightly against the skin below my ear.

"Are you sure you want to play this game again?" he asked biting me gently

Biting my lip I suppressed a moan. My body was burning helplessly under his touch.

"Do your worst babe." I managed to reply huskily

He chuckled against my neck causing my stomach to flutter at the deep sound.

I weaved one hand into his hair and the other at the nape of his neck. With the tips of my fingers I traced small circles on the back of his neck causing his hand to tighten on my thigh.

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