Chapter 25

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Hey thanks for the wonderful comments on the last chapter it made my day!! Seriously thanks:)

Okay this chapter is more quick so tell me if it's confusing. The POV switches and there is letters, blah, blah. I'm rambling again :)



Chapter 25

Lily's POV


Although my parents don't like the idea of me dating at a confusing time of my life I accept your invitation for dinner. Unlike my parents I know your a good man.

See you Friday.

Denise XOXO~

Folding my mom's letter I put back into my bag. With a loud sigh I leaned back into the bus seat. This is a woman I never knew. This sweet, caring woman was not the one that slit me from my chest down to my navel.

I grabbed the bag of pills from my bag. After I dropped Aidan off at the garage, careful not to be seen of course. I went to the pharmacy and asked the woman behind the counter what kind of prescriptions these were.

To my surprise they weren't anything you could get high off. These pills, Strattera as the woman called them. Strattera is a drug used to help children with ADHD. The woman thought they were mine and warned me they cause the user to hallucinate.

Now why were they under the floorboards? What did they have to do with my mom? I looked out the window as the bus began to slow down in front of a three story beat up apartment building.

Hoisting myself up I grabbed my bag off the seat. It's now or never.


Ethan's POV

Swiftly walking around the crowds of people I tried keeping control of myself. I haven't heard or seen Lily all day and I'm getting a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Spotting Rachel by her locker with Nick I made my way over to them. Rachel nodded at Nick a worried expression on her face.

"Have you seen Lily?" I asked trying not to sound suspicious

"No. Jake said he saw her this morning before school but she never came." Rachel said twisting her fingers

My stomach twisted at her words. Pulling out my phone I dialled her number. It went straight to voicemail.

"We tried man, she doesn't answer." Nick said

I ran my fingers through my hair out of frustration. Where the hell is she?

"Where is Jake." I asked through clenched teeth

Rachel flinched at my tone tightening her hold on Nick's hand.

"He went to the garage." Nick answered

My jaw clenched and unclenched as I fought the urge to hit something. Jake went to his dad no doubt which means he has no idea where Lily is.

"I'm going too." I said turning on my heels

"We're coming too." Rachel chimed

I didn't protest as they followed close behind. With quick, long strides I pushed past people who didn't dare give me dirty looks. They knew better than to mess with me.

Hopping into my car I started the engine and raced out of the school parking lot like a mad man.

Nick followed or tried to. I was speeding through the streets only stopping for the red light.

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