Chapter 4

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“Holly! Stay back! You can’t—“ I yelled out in a desperate attempt to get her to return to the hideaway she was original at, but I was too late.

One of their dead hands reached out, grasped her ankle, and yanked her to the ground. Without hesitation, I raised the small dagger in my hand and prepared to throw it directly into the culprit’s undead head.

The unnatural creature began to drag her towards the door, but I wasn’t going to let him get another step with her. I swiftly throw the dagger and within a brief moment, the blade dug deep into the once revived dead’s head. I knew this would not kill him, but it would give me the time I needed.

The creature let out a screech and pulled a his free hand to his head, jerking the dagger from his flesh. No blood flowed free considering there was none to flow. I was already in motion by that time though. My feet clattered hardly against the marble floor as I sprinted towards the two of them. One of my hands grasped the last small knife I had on me and grasped it so the blade rested along the outer part of my forearm and the handle was tight in my hand.

I pulled my feet out from under me slightly, and slid just like a baseball pro would into home plate, beside Holly and slashed the blade in one fluent motion across the man’s neck. The flesh ripped easily as did the muscle and tendons. This had become one of my most expert moves, so it was flawless and perfectly executed.

One wouldn’t believe how such a small blade could cut through someone’s neck with such ease, but after becoming as skilled with them and with as much strength as I had built up, it was understandable. The man’s head remained on his neck for a small fraction of a second before it slowly fell off and smashed to the floor.

The rest of his body followed, but rather it collapsed onto Holly’s back where she laid still on the floor. A gasp of fright and terror escaped her lips while her eyes clinched tight.

“You’re okay,” I whispered to her while running my free hand through her hair in a comforting manner. “It’s okay. You’re safe with me.”

The slicing sound of flesh brought me back to the scene we were in. Silence had killed the rest, returning them to their true death. Holly cringed with each sound brought to the room from Silence’s blade. I set the knife to the, shoved the body from Holly’s back, and brought her in my arms as I set up.

She curled up in my lap like a small child would in their parent’s after waking from a nightmare. It didn’t surprise me at all that someone would react this way to something like this. She’s not ready…

“Shusss,” I attempted to calm her more. Still my hand brushed through her dark curly hair. Her small hands grasped tightly to my shirt and her head dug deeply into my chest. “There’re all dead, you’re safe, Holly.”

“Barely though!” Silence yelled out after deheading the last of the bunch. I shut her a stern stare. “It’s true! You have her orders to stay were she was, and she was unable to follow even the simplest of tasks!”

“Try acting as your name suggests,” I shot at her. “It was a mistake. We’ve all made them including you.”

“We have, but nothing that simple instruction! She will end up just like Matt and Chris.”

Instantly my eyes burned with anger at so much as the mention of those names. My face transformed to show off my new found emotion. She withdrew her gaze and scanned her eyes over the room.

“True and calm the girl. I am going to search the house to make sure that’s the last of the lot,” Silence said as she left the room, avoiding all eye contact with me as she did so.

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