Chapter 6

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They were hiding too much from me. I didn't know what exactly, but I had the right to know. And if they weren't going to tell me then I'd just have to find out for myself. How could they expect me to settle into this world now? The world of the undead? What did they expect me to do? These questions never left my mind. I could almost taste them on the tip of my tongue, but when I tried to voice them out loud all that came out was a croak.

What I had learnt today contradicted everything I'd grown up to believe - nothing made sense. Yet I had to admit, things seemed so fascinating and surreal; and I, apparently, played a massive role in this.

But I had to do this for Sydney. For my parents. They were out there somewhere, and that thought was enough to drive a refreshing burst of energy through my body.

With a heightened resolve, I strode from the room. Silence and Victor were speaking in hushed tones, too caught up in their private conversation to notice me.

I walked slowly through the hallway. When I had first arrived, I had missed out so many things. Every single detail looked more defined now, and I felt like a fool to have missed the intricate patterns and symbols carved around every door frame I passed.

How could I have been so oblivious? I wondered, making a closer inspection of my surroundings. I didn't know how long I was going to be here, so I might as well get familiar with it all.

Then something caught the corner of my eye. I cocked my head to the side, debating whether or not I should go after it. After all, this is what always happens in a typical horror movie. The girl is alone, the clock strikes midnight, and she stupidly follows something ominous that sparks her interest. She gets caught in the trap and screams, while the demented villain laughs manically and advances upon her, horrific weapon in hand.

Except that girl wasn't an Angel of Death. So in the end, curiosity won over, and soon I was stalking after it.

But as I rounded the corner, something happened.

Or rather, a series of events happened.

A sudden sharp pain erupted in my head, causing it to throb violently. I cried out, the cordial warmth that the hot chocolate had emanated through my fingertips turning to a burning sensation. I held my hands out in front of me, instinctively hooking them like claws and dragging them back into my chest.

With no warning at all, I felt a staggering drain on my already dwindling reserves of strength. I stumbled backwards, dots dancing before my eyes making it impossible to see. They must have heard my scream; I could imagine them both rushing to my aid.

But they didn't come fast enough.

Collapsing to the floor, I held the door frame beside me for support. This was it. I coiled my muscles in anticipation for the first strike.

It never came.

As quick as the pain had come, it disappeared. In fact, I felt great. I blinked a few times, clearing the blotches from my vision, before looking ahead.

A wolf lay sprawled out across the floor. It couldn't have been older than a few months, but was livid with the hue of death, and decomposing flesh barely clung to its dead skin.

I stared in shock. Even as Victor appeared around the corner, running over and clasping me in his arms, I still couldn't tear my eyes away from it.

"Are you okay?" Victor grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him.

"Do I look okay?" I snapped back, irritation creeping into my voice. He turned back to the wolf lying on his once immaculate marble floor, and I followed his gaze. "What the hell was that?"

"Blood hound." He grimaced, sneering the words like they were venom on his tongue.

"How many times must I repeat this?" Silence shot at me, her tone accusing. "Do. Not. Walk. Alone. An hour of sparring and one successful move does not a master make." I smiled bitterly. After all that happened, the only thing she did was tell me off.

"Don't worry," Victor murmured conspiratorially in my ear. "They say you hurt the ones you love the most." I glanced at his unreadable face, and I couldn't help but wonder about the hidden meaning in his words. But I had more pressing issues to deal with.

"Why is everything out to get me? You know, you're not doing a very good job of guarding me- I've been attacked three times in seven hours and it's only your first day," I scolded feebly, walking up to the nearby window for some fresh air. Pushing it open, I took in the scenery.

All I could see was dust. For miles and miles, there was not one trace of civilisation. Needless to say, this didn't comfort me in the slightest.

"Why are we in the middle of nowhere?" I asked in a monotone, keeping my eyes outside.

"Holly, I think it's best if we go now. We have a lot of work to do, especially since your... encounter." He hesitated at the last word. I felt his warm body against my back, as he steered me away from the window with his hands on my shoulders.

He still hadn't answered my questions. With that in mind, I reluctantly withdrew from his grip and turned to face them both.

"What was that doing here?" I indicated to the wolf, which was slowly but surely crumbling to dust.

"It was most likely just a guard for that small troop of the undead that had attacked earlier. It's nothing to worry about- that's the last of them, I swear." He paused and smiled reassuringly before continuing. "What you have just done there, was just a sign of what you are capable of. It'll hurt when you first use it, but the more experienced you get the less impact it has on your mind and body. Since we know that you are indeed able to use your gift, we need to hold a few tests for any other powers you could possess." I bit down on my bottom lip. So that was my 'Life-sucking-Death-Angel' power. And there could be more? I signalled for him to lead on.

Silence hadn't spoken through the whole ordeal, but I could feel her eyes on me as I walked. Something seemed suspicious about her, but I wasn't sure what. I knew that she was here to help, and she saved my life. Not to mention agreed to instruct me in combat. So why didn't I trust her?


Great, huh? So far this is 6 chapters of a book with an interesting and unique idea that has been constructed by multiple authors who have all managed to get along and flow parts of this together beautifully! Amazement still coats me when I think about how well this is turning out!!

Anyways, this chapter was wrote by birdie-pie and edited by EvilAligator. They did wonderful!!

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