Chapter 2

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An extremely comfy couch rested beneath me as I cupped the warm hot chocolate in my free hand. My gaze traveled the room yet again. Never before have I been in, scratch that, seen such a massive and elegant mansion ever in my life. The colossal chandelier illuminated the room with a dull glow as it hung from its high heaven above. Large bookshelves and a cozy fireplace just emphasized the opulence of this house. Attached to the creamy wall was a LCD TV as big as the dining table in my foster parent's home.

I returned my eyes to him. His black hair fell just over the tops of his dark sapphire eyes and his hands worked gently against mine from where he sat beside me wrapping the bandages around the hand I had managed to damage earlier.

“Done,” he announced with a small smile tracing his lips.

“Thanks,” I replied quietly.

“You're welcome.” His response was gentle. “I'm Victor.”

“Holly,” I let out in a deep breath. “Who were they?” My hold on the steaming mug tightened at the remembrance. “They attacked someone in broad daylight for God's sake!”

With what little strength I had left, I forced a sob back as the thought of Sydney flashed so vividly into my mind. She was my only true friend. The only person who was always there for me, yet I did nothing but watched as her almost lifeless body was thrown into the back of a SUV right before my very own eyes.

“The undead.”

I gaped at him for a few seconds, unable to comprehend what he just said.

“I think I just misheard - ”

“No, you didn't. I said they're the undead.”

I had the urge to bust out in laughter because I was certain he was trying to play a joke on me. Who the hell jokes at a time like this? Right as I was preparing to crack my first smile I withdrew. His face showed his seriousness.

“H-How? It's not possible!”

“How else, they were awakened,” he stated with a small line of amusement at my outburst. “They used to raid cemeteries to bring bodies to their creator, but recently they have started targeting living humans. The reason behind that is simple, they're 'fresher',” he explained with a shrug of one of his shoulders.

“Where are the police? I mean surely a bunch of walking dead people would arouse some suspicions,” I rambled out with widened eyes.

“Would you suspect a few healthy, walking human beings to be already dead?” his voice played with a ‘duh’ tone as he asked his rhetorical question.

If he hadn’t just saved my life I would smack this smart-ass. What in God’s name gave him the right to be such a jerk during such a freaken time as this?!

“I don't believe you,” I leaned back against the couch with my arms crossed in an immature manner.

He realized a sigh while rubbing his temples tiredly as if I were asking for prove as to why the sky was blue or why puppies were adorable.

“Come with me,” he instructed as he rose to his feet and began to lead the way.

Tentatively I stood as well and began to following Victor. We twisted our way through multiple corridors and walked down hallway after hallway. After the first three turns, I was already lost in this place. With a smooth motion, he retrieved an old silver key from his pocket and twisted the door that stood in front of us unlocked. It swung open in a smooth arc. Without much thought, I stepped through the door and allowed my eyes to roam the room.

Thanks to the darkness, I could not seem more than a few feet directly in front of me. The door shut with a low thud at his hand and the small amount of noise was the only sound that resonated around me, telling me just how big this room was. With a click, light was brought into the room. It seemed like some kind of experiment room with bizarre colored liquids everywhere and mysterious symbols on the wall. My sight then landed on something in front of me. Instantly my emerald eyes widened to an impossible degree, and my jaw practically unhinged itself.

Three giant tube containment devices as big as me were lined up side-by-side against the wall. Each contained a colorless liquid. The first one contained....a skeleton. Mindlessly my feet drug me slowly towards it. It certainly looked like a human skeleton. My gaze then ventured to the second one; bile instantly rose into part of my throat. The creature inside had a human figure, but the sunken eyes, bony limps, and extremely wrinkled skin clearly said that it nothing more than a barely fleshed skeleton rather than a human. Finally I pulled my eyes to the third bottle. It contained a human--a completely normal-looking human. I perused it carefully. The human looked extremely pale as if there were not an ounce of blood flowing in its veins.

“The first was captured around two weeks ago, the second around a week, and the third was brought here this morning,” he informed me while making his way to my side.

Slowly I shook my head, taking a few steps away from the tubes and from him.

“They're not human,” I whispered. His eyes kept themselves on me and all sigh of dry humor he had earlier was gone.

“They were. At one point they were all human. However, they were unfortunate enough to be revived to live among the living as the undead. Their body brought back to the world without their consent and their mind not their own but the person who created them.”

“Why Sydney? What did she do to deserve getting attacked by those things?!” I yelled out at him. He didn't seem the slightest bit surprised at my outburst.

“She didn't do anything. She was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people. Their aim wasn't her,” he paused. “It was you.”

“Me?” I echoed blankly.

“Your parents have thwarted way too many plans of the creator. He wants revenge. So what better way to take it than on the only child of the ones who upset his plans.”

“What do you know about my parents?” I asked quickly. No one, not even me, had heard from them in years. The only form of communication I ever had with them was the check they sent to my foster family. That was it. Beyond that, they were unknown to me.

I took a step back but was brought to a halt when my leg banged into the side of a table. He came closer; those sapphire eyes of his were nothings short of dead serious.

“I'm sorry, but I can't tell you anything yet.”

Anger began to boil within me.

“I have every right to know about my own parents!” I screamed out, infuriated.

“It was their request I remain silent,” he stated simply and with the shrug of his shoulder again.

I faltered. What had I just gotten myself into? A mad lunatic with dead people stored in his house? And all because I went running then got in a car when someone told me to. Stupid, stupid Holly. He drug me from my thoughts.

“You have a chance of saving your friend, if she is still somehow alive, and if she has passed, you can at least avenge her death,” he said passively. “We will release the undead from their unwilling bidding. So my question to you, Holly Rose, do you want to follow in your parents’ footsteps and fight against these things? You will work along my side and become an undead hunter and protect all the living and free the dead from their creator, all you have to do is say yes.”


This chapter was wrote by The_Black_Butterfly and edited by fantasy343. The idea was fully The_Black_Butterfly's that linked to the first chapter. I hope you have enjoyed it thus far! It is only going to get that much more different as time ventures onward. 

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