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        Nico took a deep breath.  It was cool in his cabin as usual,  but Will's skin was always a touch too warm. Will shifted beside him and Will rolled over to cuddle against his chest. They were both naked from last night's activities.
     "Mooornin', darlin'" Will yawned.
     Nico smiled and kissed Will's lips. "Morning yourself. You slept in."
     Will rubbed Nico's chest with his hand, "I had a good reason not to sleep last night. A rather large reason. "
     Nico chuckled and kissed Will again.

     Nico looked in the mirror on the inside of his wardrobe. The mirror had been a gift from his sister, Hazel. He fixed his undercut with some gel, and put in the earrings on his left ear and his gauges. Each earring was black to match his gauges. He slid on a black Motley Crüe t-shirt and his black skinny jeans.
        After he pulled on his knee-high biker boots, he applied a light layer of concealer under his eyes and a thin line of black eyeliner. He could never seem to get enough sleep to get rid of the bags under his eyes. His lip and nose piercings went in next. Once he was sure he looked his best he pulled on his trench coat and his skull ring before grabbing his bag and leaving his cabin, shadow traveling to Nine and 3/4.
     He heard the shower in his cabin turn on. He looked at the dark rowan wood door. He was going to miss the touch of Will first thing in the morning.

     A scarlet train was waiting in the station. Golden letters decorated the front of the train. Nico guessed they said Hogwarts Express. He boarded the train and found a empty compartment before pulling out his enchanted contacts Lou Ellen made him. The only problem with the contacts was that it made his already dark eyes darker and his eyes to dilate. But they did help him read English.

Harry's pov

     Harry entered his usual compartment with his friends, only to find a boy dressed in black. The boy's many piercings and dark attire would have seemed scary if he wasn't putting in contacts. The only problem is he wasn't familiar.
     Hermione smiled and said, "Hermione Granger, and you are?"
     The boy picked up his backpack, his only visible luggage, and started to go through it as he said, "I am Nico. I am not your enemy but I am not your friend. Don't piss me off and I will not bother you."
     Ron stepped forward, "Don't talk to her like that, you prick."
     Nico looked up and said, "What is your name?"
     I stepped forward, "He is Ron, and I am Harry Potter."
     Nico nodded before standing, "Very well. Harry, Ronald, listen well. I am 16 and I am old enough to send you both to the hospital in a tin can if I so wish and disappear with ease. Don't think I am being rude, I am just telling you where in this fuck hole we all call life I stand."
     Nico focused his eyes on me. His eyes were eerily colorless. Just black and white. With no end. "I know what you are, that you will fight the Dark Lord. But I am not taking sides but I will defend my friends, so either wise up and prove you aren't lucky fools that are going to die or get out of my way and stay away from  me and only ask my help in great peril."
     The boy sat down and finished, "I am sick of wars and being treated like shit. I am in my fifth year which is a bit idiotic."
     The boy pulled out a black iPod and a set of black headphones and leaned back closing his eyes. Harry could hear the sound of guitars and drums.

     Nico closed his eyes annoyed he didn't like these three. He had to be assigned the most bigoted group of fuckers in Hogwarts. The good thing is his contacts were in place. He wish that Will was here,  against his side remarking about the view. He opened his eyes looking at the flat, watery and weirdly mountainous England countryside imagining what Will would say. Probably I bet they have a lot of visits from your uncles, Nico
     Nico smiled at the thought. His father loved England, the food and the culture, and was heartbroken when war ripped through the country sides.

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