The Hall, the hat, and the Ruler of All

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After a rather boring carriage ride with the threstals, Nico was pulled aside by Professor McGonagall. She was a older woman with a tight bun and a stern way of life.
"We are going to sort you with the first years. If you would, get ready."
She lead him into the Great Hall. There were ghosts everywhere and they stared at him in shock but they tried to contain it. Nico had sent a message ahead saying if any ghost breaks his cover they would find themselves a permanent resident of the Underworld. He looked at the long line of short eleven year Olds and smiled. He was lucky his last name was di Angelo.

Harry eagerly watched the sorting. He had barely seen them in his five years. Hermione pointed at the towering figure amid the eager first years.
"It is the boy from the train. The fifth year. Why is he just now being sorted?"
Harry was going to answer but then he heard Professor McGonagall say two words that froze every ghost in the Great Hall.
"Di Angelo, Nicola."
Nico stepped forward before sitting on the three legged stool. The ghost seemed to be waiting.

Nico heard a voice in his head. Let me see your memories so I can sort you.
Nico sighed and dropped his walls. Throwing Tarturas, the two wars, World War 2, and the death of his family at the hat. Then he showed the hat the last memory he had of his friend from the 40s, a boy named William Turner.
Nico showed the night in the alley when Will said he was a gay Jew. And that was kinda funny because it sounds like Hebrew. The boy named Tom that told on them. And the small star of David around Nico's neck and the bullet that ended Will's life.

Harry stared up at Nico. He had a feeling that Nico was a kid like him. But where did he come from. He just appeared on the train without his parents without anything to say a word about him, except his thick accent that seemed to be a mix of accents. It was taking him a while to be sorted. But then the hat starting crying and screamed out.
Harry clapped politely as Nico walked over to the table and sat down. The entire hall had a odd feeling over it, then it disappeared and a low hum came over the Hall again. Nico looked at Nearly Headless Nick and smiled. He pulled out a bright red apple and held it out to Nick. Nick took it and bit into it. Nick ' s eyes widened as he ate the fruit.
Nico smiled again. It was the same sad understanding gleam in his eyes not his lips. Nico watched as Dumbledore stepped up to a podium that looked like a candle holder and owl statue.

Nico looked at the slender elderly Headmaster that stepped forward. Was he going to give a speech? Nico's eyes wandered the teachers, bored out of his mind. He wasn't hungry in a sense. But he didn't get to join Will in the shower this morning and he had to talk to Chiron, so he didn't get to have sex with Will at all. Nico sighed and focused back on the headmaster.
He still remember what his mother used to say, "Befriend Death and become his master and you will learn how to become the Ruler of All."

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