Potions and the Gift

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Hermione headed into Potions determined to find out more about this boy. But in the entire class he didn't speak and he was right next to her. His black undercut swished slightly as he looked between the board and a spiral notebook. The page was filled with someone's looping handwriting.
Soon Snape walked pass to check his potion, anti-venom. Snape nodded.
"Ten points for Griffindor. Good job, Nicola."
Nico nodded, "Actually sir, if you don't mind, can you call me Nico?"
Snape nod and checked Hermione's, "A watery soup. This would only help the poison."
He swished off and Nico packed up his stuff. Bottling some of his potion in two bottles. One he placed on Snape's desk and the other he placed in a leather container.

Harry and Hermione followed Nico as he walked down the hall to Defense Against the Dark Arts. He looked around and sighed before yelling at a nearby ghost.
"You, in the hat, yes you, can you take me to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom."
The ghost nodding and walked away. Nico ran to keep up leaving them behind.

Harry looked at Nico and the black quill pen he held lightly in his hand. Nico opened the book and looked at the text, before looking up and raising his hand. His face was a mixture of disgust and anger.
"Yes, Mr. Di Angelo?"
Nico looked back at his book before asking in a careful tone, "Why is our text saying 'All half-breeds are dangerous and savage in nature'."
Umbridge giggled faintly, "Because they are. Ms. Granger?"

Nico looked at Hermione who asked, "There is nothing in here about using defensive spells."
Nico then had to watch Harry and Umbridge argue before he finally snapped.
"ENOUGH!" He yelled.
Both teacher and student froze. And Nico continued, "We are in our fifth year. You say we are but children but we aren't. Don't Aurors get attacks by witches and wizards every day?"
Umbridge nodded and said, "But-"
Nico looked at Harry, "Didn't you say your were going to be a Auror?"
Harry nodded. Nico looked at Neville, "Do you know the spell to disarm someone?"
Neville nodded, and Nico asked, "Disarm me."
Neville pulled out his wand and yelled "Expellamus!"
"Neville doesn't know how to hold his hand or move it. So his spell didn't work. This is why this class exists. To help future Aurors or people like Neville. Do. Your. Job. Woman."
Nico grabbed his bag and glanced back once, "Aurors are your heroes, your protecters. My father and mother loved the old tales. And a centaur was the greatest teacher of heroes. Find your potential, young wizards. And stop listening to old hags like her, and you will find life is a lot easier to live."
Nico left the room but not before getting a detention on the same night as Harry Potter. Brilliant. He just hoped Harry could keep his mouth shut.

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