The Toad from the Ministry

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Nico thought the speech Dumbledore gave was interesting, but what interrupted it was...... sickening. A short rather large witch stepped forward on pink heels in a fuzzy pink dress. He eyes bulged slightly reminding Nico of the toads that his dad keep in the lower reaches for poisons. Nico had a horrible feeling about her. She coughed sweetly before saying in a voice like over-sweetened caramel.
"Thank you for that wonderful introduction. I am so glad to see all your smiling faces shining up a me...." The fat toad said.
Nico looked around. He was right. Not a single student was smiling. Though, Nico wasn't sure if that was because of the fact that they aren't eating yet, or the witch's voice. After the witch sat back down. Harry leaned over and asked.
"She was at my hearing. What does she mean? " Harry said
Hermione gritted her teeth, "It means the ministry is interfering at Hogwarts."

Nico followed Ron and Hermione as they lead the other Griffindoors through the halls. He slowly constructed a map in his head of the winding halls, moving stairs, and wide corridors. When they finally stopped, Nico looked them curiously. They had stopped in front of a painting of a over-weight nymph.
"Persephone's helm." Hermione said.
The portrait swung open. They walked into the revealed corridor. After going down a short hall, they came to a large room in scarlet and dark wood. There was gold accents everywhere. The room was cozy and reminded Nico of his mother's parlor. Ron said something about girls to the right boys to the left. Nico almost snickered. That is just funny, stupid wizard and your rules. He wonder how many people like him got pass that little rule easily. He was gay. He didn't need the girls to get a little release.

Harry entered his dorm and quickly found his bed. A bed with darker red colors and a black trunk was next to him. Nico the new boy, entered and walked up to the bed checked the trunk before plucking a note from the top of it. Harry looked at the side of the trunk: N. D. Angelo. It was written in gold, matching the clasps on the front of the trunk.
Harry wandered why he had different colored things. But the question died on his lips as Nico pulled out a black frame and set it on his bedside table. The picture seems old, and faded. The picture had a woman in a black dress sitting on a chair, with her husband in a black suit behind her. A young boy stood to the left of her and a slightly older girl in a brownish cream dress was standing to the left of her.
"Who is that?" The question was out before Harry could stop himself.
"My family. My mom died shortly after this picture was taken. My sister a few months later. It is just my dad and me now. He must have copied the photo for me. He hasn't been himself lately. He has been working himself sick. But things have slowed down."
Nico trailed of as he placed another picture beside it. And a small golden figurine. Harry didn't know much about American culture so he didn't focus on it.
He looked at the other photo. It was of four kids stand by a pine tree with a redish brown dog. One of the boys looks Asian, with angled features and black hair and eyes. He saw Nico standing, smiling by a boy with a tan and bright blue eyes. With the boy's bright golden blonde hair he looked completely different then the others in the photo. Then the only girl in the picture had golden brown eyes and dark skin. Her curly black hair was pulled back in a ponytail.
Harry looked at Nico. He had a feeling that if he keep asking questions, he would alienate the new kid. He figured it must be difficult to switch schools like he did.
But Harry could help but remember the conversation from the train.

Nico looked at the note in his hand again.

Dear son,
I have kept this picture safe for you. I figured it would be better off with you. To remind you that things weren't always beak. We were happy once. Don't risk your own happiness because of your anger. Don't make the same mistakes I did. Trust me, I know how it ends.
-Aidenous di Angelo

He smiled at his father's looping neat handwriting. He had gotten better at writing it Englsih. Nico didn't need his father to write in English, but his father had been told to minimize suspension. Nico could see a faint mark behind his father's name. Like he had reflexively drawn a eta and alpha. He placed the note in his worn copy of the Iliad. Another gift from his father.
He closed his eyes and dreamt of home and the beautiful gardens of his stepmother. He dreamt of Will and cast his thoughts to Will's dreams.

The next morning, Harry woke to find Nico gone. Nico's bed was made and his backpack was missing. Harry woke Ron and quickly dressed. They were met by Hermione and they went to the Great hall. Nico was sitting there with a small glass of juice but nothing else. His lips moved silently as he read from a worn copy of a book that had ancient writing on the cover.
Ron groaned softly and looked at Hermione, "Great. He is just like you."
Nico looked up in shock as the owls flew down. In the flurry of owls, Harry saw a small hawk fly downward..... at Nico. Nico smiled and whistled sharply three times holding out his arm. The bird dropped a brightly colored object into Nico's plate. Nico unwrapped it and held up a small stuffed three headed dog. The dog was black and a off blue color. Nico smiled and held the dog close. Hermione snatched the note and showed it to them.

Hey Death Boy
Your dad explained how to do this. And about Fawker. Apparently Demeter named him. I know you don't sleep well without me but I hope this helps. I had Lou Ellen enchant it. Watch out for Harry though. He isn't a good kid. Don't risk get hurt because of him. If he dies, I don't care. Just come back to me safe.
Doctor S.

Nico was focused on the small dog in his arms. Hermione leaned over.
"Who do you think this Doctor is?"
Harry didn't have a good feeling in his gut, "I don't know. His friend?"
Ron looked at them, "Neither of them are friendly, mate. Hell, this Doctor just said that he didn't care if you died!"

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