The New Generation

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"Migome," My mother called as I opened the door,

"Hm?" I turned to face her with questioning, onyx eyes,

"Don't forget your lunch." She tossed me a brown paper bag. I caught it effortlessly and stormed out of the house without another word, "So much like your father..." I heard her murmur. When the door closed behind me, I paused, turned around, and stared at the large manor that was made for a whole clan.

I looked at the fan that was painted on the very top of the building. I sneered at it,

"Scum." I snarled as I picked up a rock, "I'M RELATED TO SCUM!" I shouted; outraged by the DNA I carried. I swiftly pegged the rock at one of the top windows,

"Migome!" I heard my mother screech before she swung open the door, "What are you doing?!" I chuckled darkly and ignored her,

"That's for fucking a rouge mother." Her eyes became glassy as I sprinted off towards the academy.


"Migome! Why are you so late?" Questioned the aged Iruka, grey hair now littered his hair which was tightly pulled up in a spiky pony-tail,

"None of your damn business." I muttered as I stomped to my seat moodily,

"Your time of the month I see." Chattered the annoying Uzumaki brat as I sat at my, normally deserted, table. I gave him a look that told him to back off unless he wanted to wake up to a kunai in his stomach. Yea, it was a REALLY threatening look.

Obviously he gave me the same look back, just not as harsh,

"Haru! Stop talking and pay attention!" The annoying Uzumaki turned to face Iruka,

"But sensei!" He whined,

"Don't backchat!" Haru sat back in his chair with his arms folded,

"Stupid old man..." I heard him mutter.

"Hn." I grunted before closing my eyes to take a nap.


I fluttered my eyes open when someone banged their fist onto my table,

"Hurry up and get up emo kid!" The word emo instantly made my blood boil. I looked up and saw the Yamanaka siblings, Hana- The younger female of the trio, and Takahiro- The older male.

"What do you want, babbling fools?" I snarled. Hana puffed up, her short, blonde hair spiking up,

"To fight of course!"

"You called us out." Takahiro finished calmly as he threw a white envelope onto my desk. I eyed it curiously,

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