Chapter 12

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“HAAARRRRUUUU!!!!” I heard someone whined from in front of us. As quick as a flash, we were meters apart, both of our faces burning.

“Oh…” Manami glanced between us, a lit cigarette in her mouth. “We were intertupting something,” She put a hand on Momoe’s shoulder, trying to make the child turn around, “Come on sensei, we’ll leave them to their business.”

“But Manamiiiii~!” She whined, pulling away from the younger Haruno, “I wanna see what happens!” I glanced at Haru, who was glaring at the ground.


“Please, continue.” I stared at my sensei, who had placed herself out of arms reach, and was watching Haru and I intensely.

“Get fucked.” I muttered, storming forward. Momoe didn’t seem the least bit hurt at my words, she just pouted at the lack of entertainment.

“That’s no fun…” Haru grunted and stormed past Manami and Momoe,

“Whatever,” He hissed, “Let’s just go.” Well, I was already out the gate, and storming down the street.

“Migome!” I heard Manami call from behind me. I scowled and lifted my dress, before sprinting down the busy streets. It was a crime if a girl, let alone a ninja girl, wasn’t able to run in high heels.

I soon lost them in the crowds, and sighed in relief.

“Thank god…” I murmured, running my fingers through my hair and holding my head high.

People stared as I walked past them, surprised to see Migome Uchiha wearing a dress and makeup.

“I found you.” I heard someone whisper in my ear, before I was lifted off my feet and into the forest.

I scowled as I saw my high heels had fallen off from my sudden launch.

I proceeded to curl upwards, using my stomach muscled to hold my feet over my head. I then pushed off the persons face, either making them let go, or me surge away from them, I couldn’t tell. Either way, I was let go of.

I flipped three times before landing on the ground, sweeping my hair out of my face afterwards with a scowl.

I watched as a blonde in a half suit stood, his blue eyes landed on me.

“Migome.” Haru greeted formally, not making a move to come any closer.

“Dobe.” I greeted, obviously not very politely.

I knew something was wrong when Haru didn’t show any reaction towards my teasing.

“I’m so, so sorry.” I watched as his face took on an apologetic expression. I just stared at him, before rising.

I turned and started walking further into the woods,

“H-Hey!” Haru shouted, jogging up beside me. “Aren’t you going to say anything?!” I kept my face the same, and didn’t so much as glance at the Uzumaki hybrid.

“The fireworks will be starting soon, the stone faces are the best place to see them from.” Haru didn’t say anything for a moment, and I could feel his gaze on me.

“Oh…” He slacked off a bit, “And I guess you don’t really want me with you…” I rolled my eyes,

“Like I care…” I instantly felt Haru’s mood brighten,

“Really?!” I sighed,

“If you’re going to be this much of a pain, you can just go home.”

“Oh! No! No! I’ll shut up!” I rolled my eyes, but couldn’t help but feel slightly happy that he was beside me.

What is wrong with me?!?!


“So…” Haru swung his legs freely as we sat on top of his father’s stone face. Of course it was his father’s, after all, for some twisted reason, I let him choose where to sit.

“So, yea…” I blinked a few times,

“Did you say something?” I asked, turning to him. Haru sweat dropped,

“I went through that whole speech, and you weren’t even listening?” I noticed the red flush that had placed itself on his face, making him look adora- Oh god, I’m doing it again.

“Hn.” I turned forward, “Just tell me the main point of the speech.” I heard Haru sigh,

“All I was saying, was that I’m sorry that I tried to kiss you,” I was trying to forget about that… “It’s just that, I seem to know you better than anyone else. I know how you think, I know what you’ll do next, I know a lot about you, Migome.” I glared at the sky,

“Prove it, Uzumaki.” I snapped, embarrassed about the whole topic.

“Migome, I know about your life, about your dad-“

Don’t.” I warned, a light growl in my throat, “Don’t go there.”

“I won’t, I know you well enough not to talk about… him…” I rolled my eyes at his dramticness,

“Haru, we’ve barley known each other for a week. Your forgetting that we never even talked in the academy.”

“We didn’t have to. I watched you Migome, I saw your reactions about certain things, and how your views were about Konaha.” I felt my cheeks go a shade of pink,

“That’s weird…” I muttered, ducking my head.

How could I have never noticed?! I’m an idiot!

“Even so, I learned a lot about you. And just now, when you ran away, even though I couldn’t see you, I knew where you would go.” I rolled my eyes,

“That was a coincidence.”

“Was it?” I felt Haru shuffle closer, “Migome, I want you to know that I like you. It isn’t love, but it could certainly turn out that way.” I turned away,

“Fuck you! This isn’t funny!” I felt Haru place a hand on my shoulder, and my cheeks darkened in colour once again,

“This isn’t a joke! Migome, look at me!” I shook my head, refusing. “Look at me!” Haru growled, forcing me to turn around.

I stared at him, seeing the blush on his face.

“What do you want me to say?!” I yelled, “It’s not like I knew about any of this! I’m pretty damn surprised!” Haru abruptly surged forward, planting his lips onto mine.

I blinked when Haru leaned back and placed his forehead onto mine. On cue, the fireworks started, creating loud crackling and popping noises, not that Haru and I even noticed.

“Just say yes.” Haru whispered, and even over the fireworks, I could hear him clearly.

“To what…?” I whispered back, it seems as if Haru’s surprise kiss had taken away my voice. Haru kissed my nose, making me wrinkle it up.

“Say yes, to be my girlfriend.” I smiled slightly,

“Yes, Haru.”


Yes, it HAS been a while, hasn't it? Well here it is, and it sucks. It's rushed, and I also rushed the relationship. Oh well. What's done is done XD I guess Ill just have to deal with it :)  and now, time for my relaxing moment, since i have school tomorrow -.-

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