Chapter THREE

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"Uh, can you maybe tell me what the hell just happened?"

It was the best thing I could have said, in my opinion.

Whoever this dude was, he set down the papers and pencil and looked up again, moving some of his blonde hair behind his ears.

Shiiiittt. He's wearing earbuds. Should I assume that he's a geek or a nerd?! Do I want to mess with this dude?!

After a second of awkward silence, he responded with the stupidest sentence anyone could have thought of: "What happened?"

Explosions everywhere in my mind; the world is ending, and this boy-dude doesn't know about it?! Does he even have eyes?! Like bro!

I just couldn't say anything, so I slowly pointed a finger out the window to where Gavaspia/planet was now resting. His eyes followed, but it took him a second to realize what has happened. If you peered closely, you could see stuff flying all around! Even past the window, wow!

Sarcasm is a wonderful thing.

I looked back at this boy first, but when he did, he turned all super-genius. Fierce eyes, narrowed eyebrows.

"Explain what happened," he said. No wait, this wasn't even a said. This was more of a demanding... Demand.

This homie can't just...

"Bro, I don't even know your fricking name, and here you are, interrogating me like I'm some kind of criminal!" Complaints are my specialty, along with insults.

The dude responded with a sigh, one that was long and exasperated. He finally replied with a, "Alright. I'm Aragdonn, although you may just call me Argon. I work here, if you couldn't tell." At that last part, I glared at him. What kind of crap does he think he can pull out of his sleeves?

I stayed silent for a minute, before Argon cleared his throat and asked, "So, are you going to tell me your name or something?"

Another harsh glare. This douchebag.

"Alright, fine. My name is Faith," I said slowly, as if I were talking to a stupid baby. Which I felt was in front of me right now. "I kind of crashed into here because of gravity."

"Could you please explain?"

I clenched my fists. He asks a lot of questions, doesn't he?

"Okay, look, you mindless piece of hell. Gravity turned sideways, all sound just disappeared, gravity then returned, but flung me upwards towards your beautiful station. What else can I say?!"

That was all that I could manage to say before I'd find a pipe and bonk this dude in the head.

When I looked into his eyes, his blue eyes, I could see that he wanted to convince me of calming down, but thankfully, he switched his actions.

As Argon rubbed his stubbled chin, he thought out loud, "This must mean that Gavaspia has gone off balance somehow, whether the orbit snapped or some element disappeared. Anyway, it can't be good. If you've said that gravity had disappeared, reappeared, but gone in strange places, it can only be expected to happen again. But if it doesn't, then it might be gone for sure..."

Now we're getting somewhere! Finally got the smart out of him. But...

"How about the sound? Why would it disappear suddenly? Oh, and I also noticed that the sun's rays turned harsh..." I wanted answers.

"The sound disappearance would have been caused by the gravity, also. And... If the sun's rays just beamed... the layers, such as the Ozone, above the ground must have been broken, somehow... I'm not sure about why all of that would happen in a matter of seconds, but I think with a little bit of help, and more research, we could figure this out."

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