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{A/N}hey guys so sorry this is late but I did get it posted its still Monday so give me some credit here for posting this at 11:58pm I hope you like it and please VOTE and COMMENT! :D edit on the side was made by @_EdwardHoran_ if you want to make me an edit then just PM me and if you want me to dedicate a chapter to you then you have to dedicate a chapter to me :D ~Andrea

Isabella's POV

he whispered softly in my ear sending chill through my body.

My mouth probably looked like it hit the ground. before I could say anything else he quickly zoomed out of my bedroom and out the window leavening it open.

I ran over to the window, hoping to see where he went but the dark night made it almost impossible. I quickly shut the window before anything else could creep its way in. How did he get in? I was sure that window was locked. I always keep it locked.

I shrugged off the thought, not wanting to know how he did it. I hoped and prayed to God he didn't come back, but I had a feeling that he would.

Next time, I would make sure to call the police, even if he was beautiful. I wasn't going to trust him, I told myself that night that Marcus kissed me. I was never going to let another man lay a finger on me and that was a promise to myself I was going to keep.

I walked back over to my bed getting in and pulling the covers up over me. I would tell Leah but I know she wouldn't believe me even, if I did tell her.

"Harry," I said to the quiet room. That name suited him. I thought about his eyes, how beautiful they were and his body-

"Stop it, Isabella, what are you thinking? He just broke into your house," I said to myself.

I deiced just to go to sleep, not to think about the events that just happened. I closed my eyes and started to drift off to sleep.

* * *

I woke up the next morning with a killer headache. I got out of bed and walked toward the kitchen, going straight to the medicine cabinet. I took out Advil and popped two little blue pills into my mouth.

I then grabbed a banana and a glass of water and headed toward the living room to find Leah sprawled out on the couch sound asleep. She looked peaceful just sleeping there. Unfortunately she needed to get up. It was almost 12.

I decided to wake her up the fun way. I set my glass of water and my banana down and plopped myself down on her feet, waking her up.

"Get off of me!" she yelled with her head stuck in her pillow.

"It's time to get up!" I said with a cheerful and annoying voice that she hated.

"I hate you," she muttered back with her face still crammed in the pillow.

"No you don't, you love me! And if anybody is going to hate someone I think that someone should be me," that last part I said with a more stern voice.

"I know and I'm sorry," she muttered.

"You what? I can't hear you!" I said, acting like I couldn't hear her.

"I said I'm sorry, okay now can we forget about this?" I gave her a small smile and nodded yes.

"Yeah, I guess so," I said back.

"We should go out to eat 'cause I'm starving!" Leah said aloud making sure I heard her.

"I agree."

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I said looking over at Leah.

She sat up straighter and said, "Yeah, what is it?"

Your Guardian Angel // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now