13: Trust Him

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(A/N) hey so I'm updating! It's kinda short but its all I got so if you have any ideas then please leave them down below I'm open for ideas and you may know from my status that I'm MAKING BOOK COVERS so if you want one please PM me I might start writing poems but I'm kinda afraid to post them so will see... But any who I hope you like this chapter :) ~Andrea







Harry's POV

I didn't want to tell Isabella about my death and why my wings were black but I knew if I wanted her to trust me then I would need to tell her. I was tired, tired of keeping this a secret. Niall was the only one of the boys that knew about why my wings were black and how I died. I just couldn't bring myself to tell the others but it felt different telling Isabella it wasn't like telling Niall.

Telling Niall was hard, really hard. When I was telling him I just skipped around and tried getting around the subject about my death and wings but telling Isabella felt right. I felt like I could trust her and I want her to trust me. I want her to like me and not be afraid of me.

Isabella is a wonderful and beautiful girl, I really don't see how she doesn't have guys all over her like Leah does. Leah is very pretty too but Isabella just has this natural beauty about her, not like Leah. Leah is more Barbie doll like but what am I even saying?

I can't ever have Isabella I'll never be able to love her. I can't and that's heartbreaking for me because that's all I want to do. Love someone, hold them in my arms, tell them that they're beautiful and that I'll always love them no matter what but I can't.

I guess I'm lucky in a way I could have never even been able to get to meet Isabella and watch over her, I could be dead right now (well I mean I am but I guess I'm dead with benefits). I just wish I would have never taken my life.

I know what I did was wrong and killing myself was even more wrong but I just wish I could take it back so I could feel and love again. I want to be able to feel when Isabella touches me I want to be able to feel the wind on my face and I most definitly want to be able to love again.

I don't think Isabella knows just how much she means to me, how happy she makes me when she smiles. I love her smile, it could light up a room, her voice gives me goose bumps and those lips. I would do anything just to kiss them,if I ever did get the chance to kiss her I would kiss her gently and show her how it's supposed to be, not rough and hard but sweet and gentle. I will never get the chance though.

I can't fall in love and I'm not going to let myself put Isabella's life in danger just because I feel something deep inside of me telling me if I could love, she would be the one. I must keep that promise to myself to never put Isabella in danger because I feel something.

Isabella's POV

I couldn't believe what Harry had just told me, I feel so sorry for him. It wasn't even his fault that his girlfriend died but he believed it was enough to take his own life.

He must have really loved that girl, well he loved her enough to take his own life. I don't understand Harry, he's a sweet and kind loving person one minute and then the next thing you know he's telling you that he killed the love of his life then took his own life because of it.

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