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Leah's POV

I watched as by best friend was tossed backwards like a rag doll onto the pavement, her body skidding to a stop. My mouth fell agape as a scream escaped my lips.

The car that had thrown my friend was now stopped. I ran over to my friend, stopping over her body. Her eyes were open but were beginning to close.

I felt a tall body towering over me. I turned my head slightly to see the curly haired boy with tear-filled eyes. I turned back to Isabella, but this time her eyes were closed and her body was limp.

Minutes later the cops and an ambulance were surrounding the scene. I watched as they took my friend and put her into the ambulance.

I looked around for the curly haired boy but he was nowhere in sight. I got into the crowded vehicle, forgetting about the curly one and directing all my attention to my lifeless looking best friend.

Third Person's POV

Isabella laid lifeless in the hospital bed as Leah sobbed more and more. As the days passed she feared her best friend may never open those pretty green eyes of hers again when Leah would leave to go to classes or to go home and attempt to sleep, Harry would slip his way into her hospital room, watching as she laid there with her eyes shut and body lifeless.

He sat at the end of her bed, telling her limp body over and over how sorry he was for not protecting her like he was supposed to. Tears cascaded down his cheeks as he held her cold hand one night for the first time, rubbing soothing circles on the top of her hand. Her body was cold from the cool room. She laid as thunder boomed outside the window, making Isabella stir slightly. A lightning strike made her stir again.

Harry stood up, walking to the other side of the bed, slipping his long body under the cool covers Isabella lied under. He brought her body close to his, warming her body instantly. He wrapped his strong arms around her waist and kissed her forehead.

Thunder boomed again outside making Isabella stir once again.

"Shh, everything's going to be alright," Harry cooed into Isabella's neck. She and Harry both slept, dreaming of each other as they laid together peacefully.

* * *

Isabella's POV

I opened my eyes and was met with a beautiful forest, no snow, just huge trees everywhere. I looked up to the blue sky and smiled at its beauty. I looked down at my feet and saw soft green grass everywhere. I slipped out of my boots and carried them as I walk through the soft green blades that breezed before me.

There was a slight breeze blowing, tossing my hair slightly behind my shoulders. I kept walking till I came up on a cliff, where at the end stood someone I never thought I would see again. I got closer and saw his curls being tossed back and forth from the breeze that was starting to pick up.

He was just standing there at the end of the cliff staring out at the distance.

"Harry, what are you doing?" I yelled as I walked up the short hill to the cliff. He didn't answer. "What on earth are you doing up here?" I asked, now just 5 feet behind him. He didn't answer again. What was his deal?

I tapped his shoulder, but my hand went straight through him just like how it did with my brother.

"Harry," I said now a little scared the once blue sky was now turning a gray-black color and the wind was now starting to take my breath away.

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