10. {part 2}

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Isabella's POV

We were just now pulling up to the loud party.

Teens are standing in the yard watching as a guy sleds from the roof, Leah and I get out of the car, standing near the crowd that was starting to get pretty large. We look up to the roof to see the idiot a tempting this stupid Idea. I can only guess one of his friends dared him to do this. I hear the guy with blonde hair start to count down from 5.

"This dude is an idiot for doing this. " I say to Leah.

"Yeah, he is, but it makes for great entertainment!" Leah laughed, looking back to the roof.

"2... 1! Go!" I hear the blonde boy shout, and sure enough the brown headed idiot on the roof pushes off and slides quickly down the roof, soaring off of it and face plants the winter covered earth. A gasp leaves my mouth as the brown headed boy doesn't move. I hear people start whispering saying things like;

"Is he alright? "

"If he's dead I wasn't here."

One of his -I'm guessing- friends walks over and pokes him. " GOT YA!" The brown headed idiot says lifting his face from the snowy ground. His face covered in snow. Everybody just kind of starts to walk off as they see he is alright, including Leah and I. We walk in the house to see drunken teens everywhere. Leah drags me into the kitchen, grabbing her and I a drink as she starts to hand me the drink. I just pushed it away saying,

"You know I don't drink." She opens her beer and takes a big drink then says,

"I know, but you gotta drink to have fun."

"Not me. " I shoot back.

"Oh, just take one. One won't hurt ya! " she says, pushing the drink back to me again.

"I-" I was cut off by a raspy voice telling me, " don't take the drink Bella. " It's Harry's, voice but he was saying that to me in my mind, but how?

"You what?" Leah asked looking at me with a funny expression.

"I said why the hell not. " I say, grabbing the bottle from her hands. She gives me a small smile before saying,

" I'm going to go dance wanna come ?" She asked,

" Nah I'll pass, maybe later. "

" Okay." Is all she says, before leaving to go to the dance floor.

I stay in the kitchen for what felt like forever just leaning against the counter watching all the drunken teens having conversations that probably was just a load of bull. I heard one guy making a bet with two other guys saying,

"Whoever gets the most phone numbers wins." The blonde headed one said, the other two boys nod their heads. They split up, I'm guessing to go get the phone numbers from poor drunken girls.

I decid to go and try to find Leah so I walk out of the kitchen and head to were all the intoxicated teens were at dancing. I scan the dance floor, trying to see if I can spot Leah, but she was nowhere to be found. There is quite a lot of people dancing. Well, they call it dancing I call it just rubbing your body's together, because that was pretty much all they were doing. Thank God I didn't see Leah doing that, but were could she be? I thought.

As I am searching I felt someone's eyes on me, I turn my head in different directions until I spot the same man from the bar, his piercing blue eyes staring deep into my soul. Once he saw me staring he starts to walk towards me. I begin to panic as the man neared closer to me. Where could Leah have gone?

"Hello again. " His voice rings through my ears, sending unwanted chills through my body.

"H-hey," I stutter.

"So what's a fit young lady like you doing at a party like this all by yourself?" He asked.

"My friend talked me into going." I reply without meeting his gaze.

"Oh, and we're might that friend be now?" he stands up straighter.

"Well you see, that's the problem. I can't find her." The words leave my mouth before I know what I am saying.

"Well, maybe she'll show up, but in the meantime, I think while we wait we should dance, " he says, grabbing my hand.

" Oh, I don't dance." I tell him truthfully. I really can't dance.

"Oh, c'mon just dance with me, it won't hurt." He wines, practically dragging me to the dance floor.

" I really can't, you see my boyfriend-" I am cut of by the man dragging me closer to him,

"we both know you don't have one. " he tells me, smirking down at my scared self.

"I -" I try to denied it, but I just can't find the words.

I knew he was right and he knew that to. He takes me over to the dance floor and takes his hands and grabs mine wrapping them around his neck, then putting his on my waist and he just starts rocking back and fourth to the music. I try to let go, so I could go find Leah, but right as I was going to do so, he grabs my hands and puts them back around his neck, pulling me even closer, so our bodies are now pushed hard against each others. I feel his hand move from my back to my bum. Then stopped right before giving it a hard squeeze. I let out a gasp and back away from him to slap him across the face. My hand comes in contact with his cheek.

" You're disgusting!" I yell, walking away from him.

I quickly run over to the stairs hoping to find Leah up there. I go up the stairs to find a long hallway. I hear a few noises coming from a room just across from me, the noise I was hearing makes my face scrunch up in disgust. You would think maybe people could do these things at home, but no.

I quickly walk over to a door, opening it slightly hoping there aren't any drunken teens doing things in that room. And thank, God there isn't. I open it the rest of the way and am met with a white bathroom. I walk over to the sink looking in the mirror at my reflection. I lean in close to wipe a bit of mascara from under my eyes when I stepp back from the mirror someone's arms wrap around me, covering my mouth with a rag and tying it behind my head and dragging me away. They drag me down the hall. I try my best to scream, but only muffled screams leave ny lips. I try kicking, but it was no use.

They open a door and throw me on the bed, locking the door behind them. I look up to the man in front of me and a gasp leaves my lips, it was the man from down stairs. His piercing blues eyes stare deep into my green ones. He smirks at me as he comes closer. I back away hoping to keep some distance between us, but he just comes closer. He pulls out a pair of handcuffs and his smirk grow bigger by the second. I begin to really panic. I open my mouth to scream, but nothing comes out. He grabs my hands, cuffing them to the head board. I feel tears escape my eyes.

"Oh, don't cry, this won't take long. " he says, putting his hand on my dress straps, slowly pulling them down. I just glare at him and attenp kicking him again, but he is sitting on my legs. Both straps are off now.

One person is on my mind and ever so faintly I cry his name, "Harry."

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