14: The Letter

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(A/N) Hey here's chapter 14 hope you like it! I'm starting to make book covers I made the one for this fanfic I'm pretty proud of myself so if you want one please PM me and I'll make one :)


Isabella's POV

I thought about what harry said, he was right. I did need to see my family but I was still scared of the thought being under the same roof as Marcus now that I knew what he did to women and how he treats them.

"I guess you're right I do need to see my family" I said truthfully

"Alright then, Leah is leaving tomorrow to go see her family. So when would you like to leave?" He questioned

I thought about it for a minute. When did I want to leave? When did I want to sleep under the same roof as the man that's made my life a living h*ll?

"I guess tomorrow is fine." I said dreading the trip

"Alright I already bought your ticket." Harry said handing me a plane ticket

"But I just now told you when I was going to leave." I said raising an eyebrow

"Yes you did but I kinda figured that you wouldn't want to stay here all by yourself so I went ahead and got it." he said smiling down at me

"Well you guessed right." I replied

"Yes well you better pack; the boys and I need to be going so I'll see you later." Harry said waving gently as he walked over to the door but before he left he stopped and turned around saying,

"See ya later."

He went out of sight and that's when I ran to the door and then to the hallway saying,

"When will I see you agai-" I cut myself off when I saw no one in sight.

I stood there for a moment hoping he would just magically pop back up but he never did. I turned back around heading back to my room placed on my bed was a small red box. I walked over to my bed grabbing the small box and opening it inside was a necklace and a note.

Dear Isabella

I left you this necklace and note for a reason, kind of a way of saying goodbye. Now I'm not good at goodbyes so I think I would rather call this a 'see you later' but I just want you to know that you didn't do anything wrong. I simply just don't trust myself...

You are an amazing girl and a smart one too; never give up on that dream of becoming an author one day. I just know you will be, I hope you can forgive me. Louis is going to be your new guardian angel so if you are ever in danger or need someone just call for Louis. I hope you have a great trip home; I'll miss you a lot. Don't think about me to much, if you even think about me at all.

Love Harry

Tears were threatening to fall but I held them back. Just when I started to trust and like Harry he goes off and does this. I slumped on my bed grabbing the necklace out of the box.

I looked at the necklace for a minute taking in its beauty, it had silver wings at the top with a blue jewel in the middle and it was carved out as a key at the end (A/N picture on the side) it was quite breath taking since I've never seen anything like it. I wondered what the key went to, if it went to anything. I push the thought to the back of my mind thinking back to Harry and how he said Louis was going to be my new guardian.

I have nothing against Louis, it's just he's not Harry. Just thinking of Harry brought more tears threatening my eyes but again I held them back and what did Harry mean by he just doesn't trust himself? I was snapped out of my thoughts by Leah coming into my room with a big grin. She skipped in my room, sat herself down on my bed smiling away at only god knows what

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