Crow Hogan - Feelings Left Untold

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In all the years that I have known my best friend, I have never thought of him in any other way than just friendship. So when Aki had asked me about what was going on between us to say I was confused was an understatement.

She began telling me all of the similarities between her and Yusei's relationship and comparing it to that of mine and Crow's non existent one. The more that she explained it to me the more that the guilt felt worse in my stomach. How had I never noticed something as important as this about my best friend? How could I have been so stupid as to unintentionally be stringing him along all this time?

Here I had known this boy since we were both found huddled together, protecting one another by Martha when we were only babe's and had stuck by each other's side through thick and thin over the many years. And not once have I ever caught onto his ever growing romantic affections towards me.

I got up from the table that I was sitting at with the beautiful psychic girl, and I made some sort of lame excuse about needing to go for a drive to clear my head. My body went into autopilot as I got my duel runner out of the garage, helmet on, deck secured, and driving out on the road.

I traveled all over New Domino City and Satellite City and my mind was still over flowing with mixed feelings and confused thoughts about Crow. So when I got back to the house I parked my car in front of the building and stood at the railings over looking the city underneath us, hoping that I would find some sort of answers.

"You must have a lot on your mind if going for that long of a drive and you're still not able to clear your head."

My heart lurched in my chest as I looked to the right of me where I heard his voice coming from and saw the bright red hair of my best friend.

"Anything that you want to talk about?" Crow asked coming over to stand beside me, also looking over the city that we protect.

"Yea." I murmured. "But I need you to be absolutely honest with me." I said totally serious.

"You make it sound like I'm never honest with you." He said jokingly.

"You are, it's just this time it's something personal."

"How personal?" He asked with a quiver in his voice.

"Depends on your answer." I mumbled.

"Ok, hit me." He said with less confidence in his voice.

"How do you feel about me? Do you see me as just a friend? Or as something more?" He sucked in a breath of air, obviously not expecting for me to ask him that.

He fidgeted with his hands for a moment but still refused to look at me.

"In a different way than you probably feel about me." He muttered sadly.

"Might not be as different as you originally thought that it was." Again Crow looked at me shocked, but this time his eyes had some sparkle in them. Almost as if it was hope that was shinning in his eyes.

He blushed before answering. "You've always meant the world to me and I don't want to think of what my life may have been like without you in it. Aki already told me what she told you earlier and I promise that if you're worried about anything changing between us than you have nothing worry about."

"But what if I do want things to change between us?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not sure if what I feel for you is love, but all I know is that you're the only guy that I ever want by my side. So if you don't mind waiting for me to figure things out than I would be more than happy to do anything for you."

He smiled and had to get up to do a little happy dance, I smiled and couldn't help but laugh at him. He came back to my side a few seconds later still with that huge smile on his face.

"That went way better than I was expecting it to go." He said sighing happily.

"What, were you expecting things to turn out differently?" I asked in confusion.

"It's just usually when you need this extra time to think about something your answer usually comes out negatively, so I was a little nervous with how it was going to go." He admitted sheepishly.

I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers together before I mumbled. "You never have to be nervous around me, you know that Crow."

We smiled at each other than just watched the now setting sun together happily, knowing that no matter what happens that Crow and I would always continue to stay faithful to one another, no matter the dangers or temptations.

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