Luna X Lester - Second Chances for LeoSnder

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    The sun was shining down brightly on the spirits of the dueling world, and their blue haired human companion. Luna was walking around happily with her loyal Kuribon floating beside her. The two were chatting away happily on their way back through the woods and towards Ancient Fairy Dragon when the mark on Luna's arm started glowing.

"Huh. I wonder what's going on." She mumbled to herself looking down at her arm.

    Her vision changed and she was now looking at a boy her age, who had long red hair that was pulled back into a loose pony tail. Her heart hammered a beat in her chest as she instantly recognized the boy.

"Le... Le... Lester." They boy turned around and gave Luna a smile before disappearing and allowing her vision to go back to normal.

    She looked around her wildly but saw nothing but the calming trees and Kuribon close to her. The duel spirit sensed that something was wrong with his friend and began pushing his human further into the woods knowing that she needed to speak to the Ancient Dragon urgently.

    The two friends ran through the forest at top speed, but didn't bother slowing down when they saw their target laying down in the soft green grass. Ancient Fairy Dragon lifted her head when she also sensed the fear and urgency radiating from Luna, but she knew exactly why the girl was feeling the way that she was. For Ancient Fairy Dragon, had also had the vision of Lester.

"Ancient Fairy Dragon. I just had a vision, I need to go back and warn the others. Lester's back... Ancient Fairy Dragon." Luna cried as her and Kuribon continued running towards the dragon.

"Luna my dear child, there is noting to fear." The great Dragon replied calmly.

"But Lester's back..."

"He is no longer our enemy."

"But Ancient Fairy Dragon..."

"There is nothing to fear, the danger has long sense past. What you are going to be witnessing is a turn of fate. Lester has been given a second chance at life."

"But why Ancient Fairy Dragon?"

"It is not my place to question the decision of someone's fate, I am only here to protect what should be rightfully here in this world."

"How do you know that he's not going to hurt us?"

"I do not."


"Do not question destiny dear one, because you will get no where if you do. The only thing that you can do is embrace it and learn the lessons that you were meant too." The ancient dragon says wisely.

"Ok, if you're sure Ancient Fairy Dragon."

"Good luck and we will see you again soon young one." The world started darkening and Luna took a deep breath and forced herself to wake up.

    Luna laid in her bed, unwilling to get up and possibly have to face Lester again. In all honesty, she was still scared about what had happened when they were fighting to sae the world from destruction.

"Luna, come on it's time for school. Luunnaa." A boy with the same blue hair walked into the room singing his twin sisters name. But he instantly sobered up when he noticed the look on his sister's face. "Luna? Luna what's wrong?"

"Lester's back." She whispered quietly.

"What do you mean Lester's back?"

"I was in the spirit world last night and I have a vision about Lester. I asked Ancient Fairy Dragon about it and she said that Lester has been given a second chance at life."

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