Kalin Kessler - I'd Do Anything #1 For KiryuFanGirl

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If you asked me I wouldn't be able to tell you why Kalin Kessler has been on my mind so often lately. Maybe it has something to do with our friendship anniversary coming up.

    I know it sounds stupid, but when we were younger Kalin would always make me a cute gift from anything that he could find on the street, kiss my cheek, and wish me a happy friendship anniversary. He continued doing that even when we met the boys.

    Jack thought that it was stupid but refused to say anything about it in front of Kalin. Yusei just didn't understand what was going on between us. But Crow knew, and he understood why Kalin was the way he was with me, but he remained quiet about what that reason was. I would like to think that it was because he liked me as more than just a friend, even when we were just kids. But I usually dismissed those thoughts within moments after thinking about them.

    I have this problem that if I let myself think about someone or something for too long then I will easily get my hopes up, only to have them come crushing down on me. Leaving my heart in pieces.

"Excuse me ma'am can I have the cheque please?" A man asked tapping my shoulder to get my attention.

"Oh of course, sorry about that." I apologized giving him a polite smile. "I don't know where my mind wanders off to when I get like that." I lie, handing him the slip.

"It's ok, we all have our days like that." His wife says sincerely.

"Maybe those mysterious flowers really are meant for you, a pretty young lady such as yourself I'm surprised you don't have a boyfriend already."

"Elliot." His wife giggled, I smiled too.

"Thank you sir, but my heart already knows who it's meant to be with. So now I just have to wait patiently until he's ready." I smiled softly.

"Smart girl." The wife stands up, taking her husbands awaiting arm and gives me a warm smile as her goodbye.

    I put the money in the cheque booklet and pocket the tip without even glancing at how much they gave me this time.

    These beautiful people are regulars at the restaurant and whenever they know that I'm working they always request for me to be their waitress. They have this... Habit of leaving me extremely large tips and running away before I have the chance of returning the unnecessary amount, knowing that I would never accept it willingly.

    Looking over at the flowers though make me curious about their sender. They're my favourite kinds of Lilys, mixed with Roses, and Petunias. Creating a beautiful mixed fragrance, but there was no note attached to them. They were just waiting at the back door of the restaurant one morning and I just so happened to be working the opening shift that day and had noticed them before crushing them with my foot.

    But this isn't the only strange thin that's happened to me recently though.

    The past week when I've been the last person at the restaurant when I get off of work there is already a cab waiting to take me home, and when I go to pay them they tell me that they have already been paid for but they aren't allowed to tell me who had done it for me. Another time I had to run some errands while my clothes were getting washed at the laundry mat and when I came back to put then in the dryer they had already been dried, and folded into neat piles with a different kind of flower on top of each pile.

    Of course no one was around for me to asked them who had done this for me.

    And the best one of all, I was walking home after a bad shift of work and saw a box in front of my apartment door. I took it inside with me and when I went through it's contents it had everything that I needed for my home but had yet to be able to afford it with my barley full time income and with all of the others things that needed to be payed for first.

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