Mokuba Kiaba - Polar Opposites

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            Mokuba laughs, bringing me out of my thoughts on this ridiculous homework and my eyes snap up to meet his and I can't help but smile. His laughter is infectious and forces anyone in the room to smile and be happy too, simply because he is happy. He and his brother bring out the opposite in everyone around them and sometimes it's hard to remember that they're actually siblings by blood.

Sitting down next to me Mokuba places a tray on top of our homework with snacks for us to eat and hot chocolate to drink. "If you want to burn the work that badly then try setting your drink on it." He chuckles.

"I guess that my glare isn't as deadly as Seto's is then?" I laugh grabbing a cookie and looking over at my friend.

"No where near as close as his." We both laugh and take a moment to enjoy a small break when I start choking on my drink at the sudden sound of an older man's voice.

"Mokuba, what is she doing here? Didn't I tell you that I didn't want you to be around her anymore?" Mokuba turns around in surprise.

"Seto? I thought that you were going to be late tonight?"

"So you invited in filth?"

"We're working on a project for class together Seto."

"Doesn't matter, I want her out of here Mokuba."

"But Seto..."

"Now Mokuba." He demands.

I take another sip of hot chocolate and follow the orders of the older Kiaba brother, he's always scared me, because I don't want to be the reason that his bad mood becomes worse. I put my sheets and books in order and rush to put them in my bag as I say a quick goodbye to my friend.

"Wait Charley, we're not done the project yet."

"I'm sorry Mokuba, I'll just explain things to the teacher tomorrow and ask for a new partner." I mumble quietly. I hate myself for even saying those words because the only reason that I was even excited for this project in the first place is because I knew that I would be working with my best friend.

"No, you're staying here so we can finish our project."

"Seto doesn't want me here Mokuba, so I'm leaving." I sigh matter of factly and start to show myself out.

"Seto, take back what you said about her right now." Mokuba yells at his older brother, his body shaking with rage.

"No Mokuba, I already told you before that I don't care who you invite over as long as their not filthy mutts like her and her brother."

"She's my best friend Seto and you can't stop me from being with her."

"I can and I will."

The brothers continue fighting over me and the longer that I stay and listen to what they're saying to each other the worse that my feelings are getting hurt by what Seto is saying about me and my older brother. So I leave without either of them noticing and walk home with tears racing down my face. Until someone grabs my arm and forces me to turn around to look at them, and I see an out of breath Mokuba.

"I'm sorry about my brother, he doesn't mean any of what he said."

"Save it Mokuba, we both know that he means every word. He's always hated my brother and now he hates me by association, hell I'm surprised that he's let us stay friends for as long as he has." Mokuba looks away from me. "He never knew that we were still friends did he?"

"No." Mokuba whispers.

"Why did you never tell me?"

"Because I knew that you would stop spending time with me if I did."

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