Crow Hogan - Parenting

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                I smile happily and as carefully as I can, I placed the sleeping child back into her bed. She's been having nightmares recently and the only father figure that these kids have left a few days ago to see about some day jobs to do and food to eat. My eyes stay on her sleeping figure as I attempt to leave the room and I sigh in relief once I have the door shut. Another successful bedtime routine complete. Now to clean the rest of the house. I've made a routine while being here. Take care of the kids first and foremost then when they're all in bed and asleep I work on cleaning the kitchen, after that I work on the rest of the place or as much as I can. Room by room until it's done. I just finish cleaning everything was in my make shift room getting changed when I hear a strange sound coming from outside.

Hesitantly I go over to the window and peek outside to see two men standing outside with duel runners by their side. I slip my shirt back over my head and grab my jacket so that I can go out to meet my friends. Jack and Crow are bickering like they always do, and I can't help but roll my eyes at them, out of the entire group that stayed together these two surprised me the most because they are the ones that argue all the time. Seems like some things will never change between these two.

"Will you guys cut it out for once? I just got the kids to sleep." Both Jack and Crow turned around to look at me, neither of them realized that I had come out to greet them.

"Sorry Charley, didn't see you there." Jack mumbles.

"The nerds should have been in bed a long time ago. Why did they just get into bed now? Come on Charley, you know the rules and how we do things around here. You've been around long enough to..."

"Before you even dare to finish that sentence Crow you're forgetting the small fact that I told you last week about one of them having nightmares and not being able to sleep because of them." I stated, reminding him since its clear that he forgot. I know that he's tired and worried but that doesn't mean he's allowed to take it out on me.

He paused in his steps and turned around again to look at me. "You're right, I'm sorry. Has she told you what their about yet?" I shook my head.

"No. Every time that I try to bring it up she starts crying again." He sighs.

"That's alright, we'll figure it out. Do you want me to give you a ride home or are you staying here with us tonight?"

"Home please."

"If that's all, I'm going to bed. See ya."

"Goodnight Jack." He simply waved his hand to me in answer.

Crow started up his duel runner and I hop on behind him like I usually do. "Hold on." Normally I wouldn't miss a chance to be this close to him and hold onto him tightly, but I am still mad about what happened moments ago. So I didn't.

Our ride back to my apartment was quiet, the only thing that you could hear was the sounds coming from Crow's duel runner and from any others that were also out with their runners during the late night. I should have realized that something was off because when Crow stopped the engine and got off the runner we were no where close to my building.

"Making a pit stop?" I shout out to him as he walks away from me and closer to the dock looking out over the ocean.

"Sort of." He mumbles loud enough for me to hear.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He looks out over the water silently, waiting for me to come closer but sigh when I refused to leave runner.

"I'm sorry about accusing you earlier of not taking care of the nerds." He sighs sadly. "I only realized what I was saying and who I was saying it too as the words were leaving my mouth. I never should have said them, I hope that you'll forgive me."

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