First Period at School

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Location: Berk Public High School

When: Tuesday after a late night at Grease Monkey Mechanics

Hiccup walks in with his back pack weighing him down and he slumps into his seat. Fishlegs waddles up to him and sits at the desk next to him as he happily clutches three books in his hands. Hiccup wants to roll his eyes at the sight of his only friend who has an odd obsession for Norse Mythology and Dragons. But in truth Hiccup couldn't keep from being interested in the subject as well.

"Read anything interesting last night?" Hiccup asks yawning and laying his head in his arms on his desk.

"Do you even have to ask, I found this whole section about boulder class dragons, it sounds like an RPG classification but that's how some vikings referred to them. There's this one called a Gronkle and the passage described that they ate rocks for their nutrients, and some could even barf up lava because their stomach acid literally melts the materials and they catch on fire!" Fishlegs smiles flipping through the pages trying to find the chapter again.

"Hate to see what comes out the other end." Hiccup mutters and Fishlegs shakes his head not acknowledging what Hiccup really said and he starts to mutter random quotes from the book.

"So have you saved up enough to buy that one cat? What'd you want to name her? Meatlug or something?" Hiccup asks trying to keep himself awake.

"Yes. I'm getting her today after school. She's such a beautiful kitten, I think toothless will like her." Fishlegs smiles and looks at Hiccup, with drool threatening to slither out of his mouth. "Hiccup? Did you spend the night at the garage again, you know what that does to your sleep patterns." Fishlegs is the smartest freshman at Berk Public High School, it's no wonder why the Drake Private School wants him there, he's brilliant. But Fishlegs insists on normal school before he does anything fancy. Ms. Gothy walks in with her little self all hunched over and frail, but the wrath of Thor is the only thing that comes close to her anger when a student mouths off or doesn't do their homework, and the scary thing is that she doesn't really all talk that much.

The class goes silent and they watch as she slowly writes the page numbers of their assignments and the  pages for their homework. And for the rest of class Hiccup takes a nap as he listens to Fishlegs whisper every word of the class assignment, Gothy only lets Fishlegs talk because he talks in the language of books, and Fishlegs is weirdly and distantly related to Gothy somehow. So hiccup listens and then groggily does the worksheet before they all turn it in at the end of the class. 

When the bell rings Hiccup trips over his own feet to get out the door outside and to his locker before he has to start running to get to his next class, which is P.E. he sucks at P.E.

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