Hiccup Goes to the School Music Festival

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Location: The front lawn of Berk Public High School

When: After school on Wednesday

Hiccup and Fishlegs head out to the front lawn with the rest of the student body to the small stage that Drama Productions built with speakers and microphones that Show Choir and Band provided. They stand close to the front slamming their backpacks to the front of the stage where the first band is setting up. It's a small group from the Orchestra who are probably doing it for extra credit. Fishlegs pulls out a book from it seems the air and starts to read it. Hiccup watched him check it out during lunch just yesterday and he's already three quarters finished with it.

"Do you ever stop reading Fishlegs, honestly, you make me feel more like a loser the more you read." He wants to laugh but in truth Hiccup tries to keep up with Fishlegs book wise but Fishlegs is like a reading machine with his photographic memory.

"If I don't read Hiccup I feel stupid, like I don't know enough things." Fishlegs responds and speaks while looking at the book.

"For the Festival can you at least put the book away? Immerse yourself in the culture of the school?" Hiccup says and Fishlegs continues to read. Hiccup rolls his eyes and looks back up at the band as they arrange their chairs and check the microphones.


The Festival starts about fifteen minutes later with small food booths up around and kitty games for the little kids that want to be entertained, but the main event is the music as they play band after band right in the middle of the thirteen bands that were selected to play comes on the most popular band of them all. The Vikings; they're made up of six members, Astrid who's lead guitar and co-vocalist with Heather who plays keyboard. Then Snotlout who plays Bass guitar. Then the twins who both play the percussion. And Eret who plays saxophone, and is Astrid's boyfriend. Hiccup has been jealous since the beginning of the year because he's had the biggest crush of Astrid since they were in Preschool together.

Hiccup listens to the band and the whole school loves them, they play four songs instead of two because the audience keeps demanding another song and as they pack up Hiccup then in a burst of confidence hops up onto the stage and starts to help them pack up.

"Hey Astrid, cool set list." He says shoving his hands in his pocket out of nervousness.

"Thanks Hiccup." She doesn't even smile and then Heather walks up to him and shyly swipes away her bangs.

"Hey Hiccup, what'd you think?" Heather really likes Hiccup and is tortured by the fact that he likes her best friend.

"I loved it. Can't wait to get the CD, Snotlout's selling them soon isn't he?" Hiccup asks slightly more comfortable around Astrid with Heather around and they stand in silence.

They all have to shuffle off for the next band to come on stage. "Hey Hiccup, we're going to get ice-cream. Do you want to come with us?" Heather asks.

"Sure," Hiccup shrugs and follows her with the group.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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