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Tamashi's POV

"Fuck its hot...stupid weather and there heat waves making me burn like a crisp...." I muttered as I walked through the scorching heat trying to get to my school as it was a few blocks away. "TAMASHI!!" I heard a girl yelling my name from across the was rose she has a major crush on me but I don't tell her that I know because she I annoying as FUCK. "Oh hello rose how are you?" I asked hoping she would leave after "HOW ARE YOU?! THATS WHAT I GET AFTER YOU'RE LATE FOR..." she checks her phone for the time "EXACTLY A MINUTE AND TWENTY SECONDS LATE!!!!!" she counted the time and if I was late she would hassle me for it. "Yea yea I'm sorry ok? I have a lot on my mind recently", "WHATEVER! YOU OWE ME!!!" she stammered and stomped off as if I was being rude which I wasn't for a fact... No matter I have Magic Studies first thing so I should hurry before rose yells at me for being late for class...and yea were in the same class. I marched into class and I had gotten here ahead of time even before rose it seems oh well I might as take a sea- WAP someone had hit me in the back of the head. "W-what the?!" "JERK! DONT YOU KNOW ITS RUDE TO LEAVE THE LADY BEHIND" I got another lecture from rose for not acting like a gentleman. I almost fell asleep during Magic studies as usual rose continuously tapped me on the head trying to keep me awake so I wouldn't get an F on this project...again. I ended up leaving early as I think the heat wave got to me. As I got home I slumped on the couch and fell asleep.

Tamashi's Dream POV

"huh? I?" it was pitch black it seemed as if I was standing on solid Void, I walked around only hearing the echos of my own footsteps as I stepped on what seemed to be the ground but I couldn't tell. "Hello....Tamashi...hahaha..." a low voice said it had a insane laugh as if it had lost sanity, And I say it as its voice does not sound human, its husk with a slight growl or scratchy sound to it you could say. I tensed up as whatever it was breathed on the back of my neck I spun around to see what it was but to no avail nothing was there. "Restless are we? haahaa..." that haunts me I cant get that laugh out of my mind. I felt something plunge into my shoulder "AAAAAH!!!" I cried out in agony as I looked at my should there was a enormous ... claw? straight through  I wailed in agony as I felt another claw about to pierce my other shoulder....

Non-Dream POV

I woke up breathing heavily as I pulled off my shirt and looked at my shoulder... "No wound...." I sighed in relief as I wiped my forehead. Only to be welcome with a loud bagging at my door, I sighed and lazily got up to open the door. I opened the door to only see one of the main space scientists in my area. "Eh c-can I" I stammered being intimidated by the large buff man. "Mr.Isayama?" "Y-yes that's me h-how can I help you..?" I kept stuttering terrified that he was going to beat me up. "I'm going to need you to come with me please, Please quickly dress yourself in formal attire." "Y-yes sir..u-um..would to" he nodded and sat on the couch. I ran upstairs dressing myself in a slick suit that almost looked like one of those villain suits that they use in marvel or something. I walked down stairs with the man still sitting on my couch, "I-I'm ready" "Alright lets go then". He opens my door to let me leave first as I get outside I'm blasted with the scorching heat I grumble at the immense heat but get in the white limousine that was waiting outside for me. The limousine was very cool and after a bit it was almost as cold as an ice cube I was freezing! the heater was then turned on the man that had picked me up had noticed how cold I was. About 30 minutes later we arrived to a giant laboratory. I stayed quiet as the man escorted me to the front of the lab, as we reached the doors the flung open only to reveal hundreds upon hundreds of Galactic scientists working on space things. I was amazed but only to be shoved a bit by the large man. We kept walking till we reached an elevator and went up about 8 floors. When we reached the eight'th floor we were greeted with a shorter bearded scientist he seemed oddly golly for his age. "Why hello there mr.Isayama! I bet you are confused as to why we brought you here! well I will explain In just a moment but for the mean time please follow me, thank you mr.ishido for escorting him here! you may go now."  mr.ishido bowed and left going back down the elevator while I followed the short scientist. He showed me into a extremely large room that almost looked like a.. LAUNCH PAD?!?! "E-excuse me sir but why is there a launch pad?!" I asked "Oh that's simple! where going to launch you out of it!" "W-WHAT!!! No-no way!" I panicked as I didn't want to get shot up there! I could die! I don't even know how to drive yet!! "Well then think it over mr.Isayama we will await your response and here take this" the scientist gave me a business card with his name on it. "Give me a call when you have made your decision.." I quickly nodded before running out and being driven back to my home. I got in my home and I slumped  on the couch thinking over my options.    

A/N Sorry that the first chapter didn't make sense the chapter will stay tuned :)

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