Chapter 8

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Dart's  POV

But just so you know-" before I could finish my sentence the mother fucker fell asleep, I must have been a tad to rough on him haa~ oh well, I drag him by his foot to my room which was fairly large, It had almost no windows as I honestly hate the light, no I'm not a vampire either I just prefer the dark the sun hurts my eyes. But I picked him up and put him on the opposite side of my large white grand bed and I went to bed myself.

Tamashi Dream POV

This room, the echoing floor , the darkness...its all familiar I recognize this place but...where have I seen It before..

"Tamashi~ what are you doing dear tamashi heehee~"

"W-whos there, I feel li-like I know you! w-what's y-your name!" I panicked the voice echoed through my head I tried to remember who this was but I just cant it almost wont let me!

"Aww~ feisty are we? tsk tsk how have you forgotten already, what a shame.., well no matter my dear tamashi I will see you soon , Aurevoir~"

"W-wait don't l-leave who are you!!"

"I guess I will have to shut you up myself~" and with that a claw goes through my shoulder causing blood to splatter on the walls of this invisible prison,  I wailed in agony and pain wishing for him to stop, but he didn't...

End Of Dream

Tamashi Normal POV

I wake up heavy breathing and sweating like I had just ran marathon, I look down at my neck and see the necklace that holds my familiar...I haven't opened it in a while...might as well, maybe I can escape....I tired opening the use this castle is clearly sealed with magic nullifying my magic, Damn I guess I should try to get some more sleep. I lay down and roll over to fall asleep.....I am now face to face with dart, our faces just inches apart, he looks so...peaceful sleeping almost nice. If I were a few inches closer we might as well be kissing, A bit of blood rushes up to my cheeks... I ignore myself and go back to sleep still facing dart.

---=A Few hours later=---

A burst in the door wakes me up but I keep my eyes closed as I remember I'm still facing dart, but with that a slight scream happens and whoever it is says

"You guys are so fucking cute, OTP! haha! never letting you live this down BRO! ahahahah!!" shiro...she takes a picture and runs off, my face is flushed with red for when she said....were her....otp... I open my eyes and look at dart...still sleeping so I check the alarm and its 9 a.m and hes not awake!? sheesh this dude is lazy, might as well stay too....I guess...

Shiros POV

that was amazing! there so fucking cute! oh big bro dart is sooooo gonna kill me later (A/N and definitely for that part (\030/)) damn I'm running late I have work to do....which is of course soul reaping, I check my reaping list and the first one on my list is... a girl named Kureiji Kamishiro hm... her soul will be mine~, and with that I jump off of my balcony and fly and jump on roof tops to find this girl , oddly enough her scent led me to a forest, when I got there I saw a girl with Long white hair that gently curled at the bottom, her wings were not sharp or large they were actually quiet small but they were a lovely yellow with a bit of a brown outline on them. Her claws were also not sharp.... I wonder what type of half breed she is as my list says shes a half breed,,,,,curious .... Oh well! I go into reaping mode with my scythe out, I was about to jump down....but...something is telling me I cant...or shouldn't... i know this isn't magic...because its my gut....its....telling me not to....kill this girl, The hell! I'm just going to reap someone else, stupid gut...

Back to Dart's POV

I groggily woke up, I move forward a bit with my eyes still closed....something....touched my lips... I open my eyes to only see that when I moved forward.... I. Ended...up....kissing....tamashi!!!! WHAT THE SHIT, I move back in a second causing the blankets to fall, I sit up and put my hands over my face is dis-beliefe... I did not just do that...I didn't its a dream right...just a dream... while I was mumbling things to myself I felt a shift in the bed, I look to my right to see that Tamashi was waking up , I didn't care , because I HAD JUST KISSED HIM. well I mean yes I don't mind guys but tamashi?! really!! anyone but him, I had to kiss him! so stupid!! I got up out of bed and put on my morning clothing and walk downstairs , shiro was already gone so she must have gone soul reaping as usual, fucking bitch...,, I make myself a bowl of cereal and sit at the table. After I just sit at my computer watching lets-Players from planet earth, I was a big fan of some minecraft players called 'Atlanta-craft' they were pretty cool. As I was watching them I hear steps coming downstairs. "G -yawn- good morning dart..."  Tamashi greeted me, I shrugged it off. "Cereal in the top cupboard and toast in next to the toaster make whatever you want" I didn't really care what he made himself for breakfast . But the next thing he did was beyond bizzare even for me honestly....

A/N annnnnd that's all for today sorry it was so short Wattpad hasn't been saving properly so I wanted to get this chapter out ASAP! but thanks for sticking around chapter 9 coming soon ! woo! bye bye!


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