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5 years later.... (A/N what a time skip.... xD)

I stay at home,sulk and go on PinterAct all day long I have no friends rose doesn't pester me anymore shes given up on me and I sit here day after day with Caster. On January 10 7088 I got a phone was one of the scientists.. What happened 5 years ago hit me I realized it was clearly time to make up my mind , I told them to give me an hour and call me back then and I would have an answer but honestly I was a nervous reck. My mind was racing with thoughts of what to do and what would I even miss? I came to the conclusion one would really miss me and no one would bother searching for me. But- Never mind I shouldn't concern myself with others it doesn't matter my life is going no were I have nothing to lose no one cares about me so why the hell not. So I called up the scientists "uhm I-is this the lab?" I waited a few seconds for a reply "Ah yes it is you are Mr.Isayama correct?" they asked confidently making my shake a bit " agree I will- wait can y-you send someone to p-pick me up?" . . . . . "Of course they will be there in a bit as last time please dress in formal attire and we will be there as soon as possible we hope to see you soon goodbye." with that the lady hung up the phone and I went to get dressed. I found that the suit I had worn 5 years ago still fit me so I decided to wear it. A few minutes after I was finished getting dressed I heard a loud knock at my door I already new who it was and with that caster turned in the key locket that i wear around my neck. I once again got into the same white limousine that I got into 5 years ago. When we reached the lab I met the even more bearded short scientist he greeted me with a warm welcome back and led me back into the same launch room I had saw a few years prior. The scientist now asked me "Mr.Isayama are you sure you want to positively continue, you know that you fam-" I cut him off " I don't have any family sir nor do I have any friends I'm doing this to get away from this planet" he gave me a sympathetic look and nodded. "Sir could I die from this?" I asked a little nervously, the scientist looks at me and grins then says "Well of course this wouldn't be rocket science if it couldn't hurt you" I smiled at his honest response and nodded. I got into the capsule until i heard the deafening counter count me down till I get launched,

5 seconds till launch time...

4 seconds till launch time...

3 seconds till launch time...

2 seconds till launch time...

1 seconds till launch time...

0 seconds till launch time...

with that the rocket started shaking and making a loud whirring noise and flinched a little bit causing sparks to shoot out of my hands. the scientist laughed and waved me good luck as I started to get thrown into the sky. I felt like my heart was going to come up out of my mouth and my organs were going to shatter as if there was an opera singer singing at maximum pitch and the glass would shatter. After what felt like eternity the pressure of going up subsided and the seat belt that held me to the chair released and I floated around. It was actually quiet nice to be perfectly honest with you this really isn't as bad as I thought it would be. as I was being mesmerized by the site of the stars I heard a static noise *SChhhz Schhhz* I looked over at what seemed to be the console or center of control for the ship there was a small radio like thing implanted into the systems control board. I looked at it and pressed the green button that I had correctly assumed was for communicating with the people back down on Lithos.  "U-uh Mr.Isayama well I didn't think I would have to use the radio transmition so soon but there is a massive meteor / Asteroid showers happening around you so it is possible that you may be hit so be careful, these controls are similar to driving a car so do not worry." *Schzz* and with that I thought to myself *But i don't know how to drive a car!* well there was no time for complaining I floated over to the control but as soon as I put my hand on what I assumed to be the stearing wheel I was thrown to the back of the ship and felt as if it had broke my spine even though it definitely didn't. I looked forward only to see I was being sent into another planet. I managed to push myself to the control board and hit the crash landing button and with that came a large foam like bubble surrounding the ship. A few minutes later my whole body was stricken with immense pain. My limbs were still intact and it killed to stand and move but nothing was broken in my body thankfully. The door to the pod I had climbed in let out a release of compacted air as my face was blasted with freezing cold air, the intense cold subsided but this place was definitely colder than Lithos by A lot!, Wait... I JUST CRASH LANDED ON AN ALIEN PLANET. Sudden realization hit me and I started to panic I thought of what could or would try to kill me and everything I panicked so much that as I was in the middle of basicly having a heart attack a slight Banging noise was heard on the other side of the not completely open shuttle door. As I opened the shuttle door I saw a....

A/N annnnnnd that's it for this chapter :P cliff hanger hahaha well hope you enjoyed chapter four should be out in a little while Thanks for reading!


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