truth comes out

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"Josh," I moaned as his lips pressed against my neck and our bodies pressed against the bed, "we can't do this."

Josh slowly let go, "Why not? It's fun," he smirked.

I laughed, "We've been at this for too long."

Josh slowly sat up on the my bed and boosted me onto his lap. The walls of my small bedroom surrounded us and cars and buses screeched outside, "What do you mean?"

"Well," I started, "I mean I'm 18, you're 21. We've been secretly going out for a 3 months and I think it's time we tell someone. Someone is bound to find out eventually."

Josh sighed, "Just another month? Please?"

A confused look spread across my face, "Are you embarrassed of me or something?"

"No, No, of course not," Josh stated, "I just like having you as my little secret."

"Okay," I giggled, "but soon."

"Anything for you, my love," Josh said, kissing my temple.

"What was that?" I asked, "kiss me for real, Matthews," Josh smirked at me and pulled me into a kiss. Our lips continued to brush against each other as the kiss got deeper and deeper, and the tension rose.

Suddenly the door flew open, "Maya!" Two voices yelled. I threw myself off the bed and onto the floor while Josh followed and scurried under the bed.

"Riley? Lucas?" I answered, "what are you doing here?"

Riley stood in front of the door frame, leaning on it for support, and Lucas stood next to her, "Just thought I'd stop by and see what you were up to. Why are you on the floor?"

"Not quite sure," I replied, "but I'm really busy right now so it would be best if y'all left," I forced a laugh.

"Busy laying on the floor?" Lucas chuckled, and I shot him a glare.

"I'm doing yoga," I replied, then i felt a hard punch from underneath the bed, "Ow!"

"What?" Riley asked, "what was that?"

"Cramp. I'm guessing," I answered quickly, "but y'all should really go now."

Riley shrugged, "Okay. Lucas and I are seeing a movie if you wanna join. I'll see you later? Are you still coming to the party later?"

"Yeah," I replied, "Of course," The truth was, I had completely forgotten about the party the Matthew's were throwing for New Year's. I felt kinda bad about forgetting about the new year, but I shook it off.

"Let's go?" Riley asked Lucas and he nodded his head in agreement, but before walking completely out, he whispered something through the doorway.

"I know you're hooking up with someone right now," He smirked, and left the room with my mouth dropped wide open.


"He knows," I said, frantically pacing back and forth while Josh sat on the bed, "he know's we're together."

"Well, not us exactly. He just knows there's someone," Josh replied.

I shrugged, "I guess. Are you going to Riley's tonight?"

"Of course," Josh answered, "I'll see you there?" He asked, getting up from the bed and grabbing his things,

"Definitely," I replied and gave him a peck on the lips, "wouldn't miss a chance to be with you for the world."

"Even if there's no sexual connection?" Josh asked jokingly.

I laughed, "Even then, Matthews."

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