rights and wrongs

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Tears began to soak the pillow and soft cries filled the room as Maya lie on her bed and sobbed over how her and her steady boyfriend had just ended things.  It was a horrible thing really; the fact that he had been sleeping with Riley for 2 months of their 10 month relationship. She knew Riley had always had feelings for him, and she wasn't sure what she felt worse about. The fact she wasn't good enough for Lucas or the fact that she was so blind to see how Riley and Lucas had felt about each other the whole time.  None the less, Maya Hart was a mess.

Little did Maya know that someone was at her window sill watching her pain. Josh could barely handle watching her so hurt.  He didn't know why she was crying or what had happened, but he did know that it was really hurting her, which was hurting him.

"Maya?" Josh asked out of the blue, immediately regretting catching her attention.

Maya sat up and wiped her tears away, "Josh?"

"Yeah," Josh responded, "hi. I was just bringing back your copy of The Fault in our Stars. You were right, it really was better then the movie." Josh climbed into her room and handed the book to her.

"Thanks," Maya forced a smile, "at least that's one thing I was right about."

A puzzled look spread across Josh's face, "What do you mean?"

Maya's eyes welled up with tears as she took a seat on her bed, "I thought Lucas and Riley didn't have feelings for each other.  I was wrong."

Josh took a seat next to her, "What?"

"Today they sat me down and told me that they began having affairs a few months ago.  Sure it was better then me finding out myself but," Maya's voice trailed off.

"I'm really sorry, Maya."

"I really thought this was it, Josh. I really thought my relationship with Lucas and Riley was the one thing in my life that wasn't as fucked up as everything else in my life.  I guess I was wrong. I'm just a mess."

"Don't say that, Maya," Josh argued, "you're not a mess."

Maya gave a small laugh, "Okay, Josh.  Whatever you say."

"I'm serious, Maya! Sure, you're a little bit of a mess, but aren't we all?  You've got a scholarship to NYU, your mom and Shawn are getting married soon, you're about to graduate soon, and you still have a bunch of other friends to keep you on you feet.  You're not a mess, Maya.  You're a masterpiece. And I hate to see your heart break. It's such a shame you have to go through this. I mean it."

"Thanks, Josh," Maya sniffled, "it means a lot to me."

Josh smiled and pulled her into a tight hug, "And you're the most beautiful masterpiece I've ever seen," Josh whispered in her ear.

Maya slowly pulled away from the hug and looked into Josh's brown eyes.  That's when the realization hit her; Lucas wasn't the one she wanted.  Sure, they had some fun times, but Josh. Ever since they had agreed to be friends a few years back, they had both never been happier.  Josh made Maya happy and Maya made Josh happy.  It was just common sense. Sure, Josh was 3 years older, but what was three years when you're a senior in high school and a sophomore in college? 

Josh caressed Maya's cheek and leaned into her embrace.  Their lips connected, letting each other come closer to one another. Their lips pressed against one another's and with every kiss began something new and exciting.  It was something neither Maya or Josh had felt before.  This was different.

This was right.

Maya's body fell against the bed and Josh's fell with her. The kiss deepened every second their lips crashed together, and the pillow wasn't the only thing wet anymore.

"I. Want. You," Maya mumbled in between kisses, and Josh reluctantly pulled away, "what's wrong?"  Maya asked.

"You're vulnerable, Maya. You don't actually want me, you want Lucas. And I can't take advantage of that. I'm sorry."

Maya groaned, "Josh, you don't understand. I want you and only you.  My feelings for you have always been a little unclear, but I understand now.  This thing we have, this thing were doing; it's so right. I've never been so sure of anything before."

"Maya, you know we can't," Josh sighed.

"Nobody will have to know.  Please," Maya protested.

"I'm sorry, baby.  Not tonight," Josh whispered, stroking her hair. 

Maya closed her eyes and sighed, trying to hide her frustration, "Can you stay here and lie with me? Just for a little while?"

"Of course," Josh pulled the sheets over them, "I'll always stay."

They lie there for awhile, trying to process what had just happened.  They went from barely friends to friends to...well they weren't sure at this point.  All they knew was that this was right.  They were right together. 

"Hey," Maya mumbled, clearly about to drift into sleep.

"Hmm?" Josh mumbled, pulling her closer his arms.

"You have to admit I was right about the sex thing," Maya turned to face him.

Josh chuckled, "You're such a goof, Maya.  I love you."

Maya's eyes widened as Josh began to register what He had just said, "What?"

"I meant 'it', not you.  Well, I actually didn't, but that's beside the point. I-"

Maya interrupted, "Josh," she giggled.

"Yeah?" Josh answered, preparing for the worst.  The blow of 'love is a strong word' or 'I really love your company.'

"I love you too," Maya smiled, pulling Josh into another kiss. This kiss filled with even more passion and energy then the last. Maya fell on top of Josh and ran her fingers through Josh's messy brown hair while Josh slide his hand up Maya's back and pulled her small waist towards his torso.  Their lips softened against each other as they crashed, and their bodies moved in synch and  fit together like puzzle pieces did. 

Needless to say they broke a few laws that night, but that doesn't make it not right..right?

Because at that moment, it felt right.

wow isn't it just awful when bre attempts at writing smut but it ends up like unicorn fluff eh.  this is unedited and trash and I wrote this in the car so im sorry you had to read that but thanks for reading anyways im awkward and it's like 12am okay bye.

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