i want one

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"Come on," The blonde scurried off the plane and into the gate, "we gotta hurry up! I've already missed so much!" We had just gotten off the flight from California to New York.  We had been living in California for the past 2 months because of my work, but we were moving back to New York in a couple months.

"Maya wait," I called after her.  I was following quickly behind her, dragging my suitcase and hers, "can you at least carry your own suitcase?"

She groaned and turned around, "Fine, but we have to go! The twins have been born and they must meet their Auntie Maya!" She said, grabbing her suitcase from me.

"I'm excited to meet them too, love," I took her hand in mine, "but you gotta slow down.  People are staring at you like you're crazy." 

"Okay," She agreed, pecking my cheek, "but then you gotta hurry up."

"Fine, but shouldn't we get something to eat first? Pick them up a gift or something?"

"No," Maya protested, "besides, Riley hasn't even told me the genders.  She wants me to be surprised.  And we gotta go!"

"Babe, you haven't eaten anything all day.  Can't you just get fries or something?" I suggested, "please? For me?"

"Okay," Maya agreed, "but only if I get ice cream too."

"Deal," I said, kissing her nose.


After two meals from Wendy's, a stuffed bear and a baby blanket, and a bouquet of flowers later, we were finally on our way.  The drive was only 15 minutes away, but Maya was so impatient. i didn't mind she was impatient though, because impatient Maya is probably one of the cutest things I've ever witnessed.  She fidgets with her hands and twirls her hair until it's all knotted.  She sings along to all the songs on the radio (even if she doesn't know them) and sings them 2x faster then they're supposed to be sung.  Not to mention she kept smiling at me every thirty seconds because she's so goddamn excited.  She's just the cutest thing.

"You're cute," I laughed at Maya, and her cheeks flushed bright red. 

"I want to meet them!" Maya grinned.

"I know you do," I chuckled, "we're almost there."

"Yay!" Maya cheered and we pulled into the parking lot.  When we had come to a complete stop, she basically jumped out of the car and ran to my side.  She ripped the bag out of my hand with the presents in it (she helped pick some out, but she has no idea which ones I bought) and grabbed my free hand, while with the other hand I held the flowers. "Come on," Maya said, "I can't wait any longer." 

"I know," I said, kissing her forehead, "let's go."  We walked inside and went straight to the front desk.  After them directing us to Riley's room, they left us alone and we were left standing in front of the door, "ready to go in?"

"Yeah," Maya smiled, and opened the door. When her eyes fell on to Lucas and Riley, he jaw dropped, and so did mine. Riley was laying in her hospital bed holding a little boy, while Lucas was sitting in a chair next to the bed holding a little girl.

"Hi!" Riley croaked out. Her long, brown hair was tied back into a ponytail and her face was placed into a permanent smile. Lucas was the same way. He could not stop grinning at his wife and kids. They looked so happy.

"Hi!" Maya cheered, running up to Riley to give her a hug, "congratulations!" After giving Riley a long hug, Maya made her way over to Lucas to do the same.

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