you're all i need

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"Don't be scared, Riles. Everything will be okay. Marrying him was the hardest part; now all you gotta do is have fun. Smackle and I will take care of everything else," I tried to convince Riley. Riley, Smackle, and I were sitting in the dressing room for Riley's wedding reception. The ceremony had just finished and we were waiting to make our grand entrance to the reception, but something about Riley seemed off. Like she was lost in deep thought or something.

"No it's not that," Riley admitted, "it's just.." Riley stopped, "I don't understand."

"Understand what?" I asked, pursing my lips.

Riley took a deep breath, "Lucas talked to me before the wedding. He said he knew I was pregnant and he couldn't be happier but..."

"You're pregnant?" Smackle asked excitedly, "That's great news. I-"

"That's the thing though," Riley interrupted her, "I'm not."

My stomach dropped as I watched the two talk back and forth, as I already knew what this was about. A few days ago, I had taken a test in Riley and Lucas small apartment, but never bothered to look at the results.

But now I knew.

I felt tears rushing to my eyes. A baby? At 22 years old? It wasn't horribly young, but it wasn't like I was planning on it. Josh and I had been going out for about 3 years. We weren't even married! How were we were supposed to raise a baby? I'm still trying to earn my degree and Josh was still focused on law school.

Smackle interrupted my thoughts, "Well then how come there's a positive pregnancy test just laying around in your house? Things like that don't just appear anywhere."

"That's what I'm saying!" Riley said, crossing her arms over her chest, "I'm wondering if maybe I took it in my sleep or something. I already told Lucas it wasn't mine and we weren't having a baby, but maybe I just didn't remember taking it? But how do you forget something like-"

"It's mine," I quietly croaked out, "I'm sorry."

"What?!" Smackle and Riley said in unison, placing there hands on their hips.

"It's mine," I repeated, using my hands to smooth out my long, purple bridesmaid dress, "I was getting symptoms so I took the test, but I never looked at the results because I was too scared. I just threw it away. I'm sorry." 

"Oh peaches," Riley exclaimed, pulling me into her arms.  Smackle joined us and I cried into their arms. 

"We're so young," I cried, "We're young and poor and we can't raise a baby.  We're not ready.  I'm not ready." 

"Maya," Riley started, brushing the tears from my face,  "You are the fiercest, bravest, and strongest woman I have ever met.  If there's anyone who can do it, it's you."

I tried to smile, "Thanks, Riles."

"But if you really don't want this, we can leave right now.  We can go to the clinic and no one will have to know," Riley rubbed my shoulder in a comforting way, while Smackle continued to wipe tears from my eyes.

"I think I have to tell Josh," I said, "It's his kid too, after all." 

Smackle replied, "If you think that's the right thing to do, then we will support you 100%," Riley nodded in agreement.

"Thanks guys," I forced a smile, "Anyways, today is Riley's day.  Don't worry about me."

"You sure, Maya? I know this has gotta be a shock and-"

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