Chapter Eleven

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(Nicco's POV) *four days later*

Lately I've been hanging out with Sir. More than I should, though. Sometimes Lissy, Halle, Noah, and Rebecca ask me why Sir's men are always coming to get me at random times. I just tell them that he wants me to clean his room, for he is to busy to do it himself. But that's not the case at all. We just talk really. Sometimes we do other things like playing video games. Nothing to bad.

I hear the cellar door creak open and Doug, one of Sir's men, comes down.

"Nicco, it's time to go," Doug says to me.

"Coming," I say a little to excitedly.

When I get up to leave, Lissy and the others look at me suspiciously. It sort of looks like they're judging me in a way. Whatever. They're just jealous because they hardly step foot out of the cellar.

When Doug and I climb out of the cellar, Doug shuts and locks the door. We start walking to the front of the mansion and walk through the heavy wooden door when we got up on the porch. 

"You know where to go," Doug says.

"Yes. Thank you, Doug," I say and thank him.

"No problem, Kiddo," Doug replies.

Doug's been calling me Kiddo for a while now. I guess you can say we're friends. I walk up to the third floor, walk down the long hallway, and knock on Sir's door. 

"Come on in, Nicco," Sir yells.

"How'd you know it was me?" I ask when I come into Sir's room. It's clean like always.

"I know how you knock. You hit the door with your fists twice, tap it with your finger once, and hit it with your palm twice."

"That's true. So, what did you need?"

"I think it's time I tell you about Rebecca's past," he says. Are you serious? I'm finally going to know who she really is!

"Really?" I ask astonished.

"Really. Now sit down and get comfortable. This may take a while. But don't speak until I tell you to."

I sit down and nod, indicating that he can continue with the story.

"Elizabeth Renee Ackerman was born on June 4th, 2001. Her parents were Elaine and Robert Ackerman. They had another kid, also. Actually, the other kid is Elizabeth's twin sister. They're fraternal twins, though. They don't look alike. I mean, they sort of look alike but not entirely. Elizabeth's twin's name was Alyssa, Or you may know Alyssa as Lissy. Yeah, that's right. Elizabeth and Lissy are twins. But do they know that? No. Not at all. I'm surprised by that. They used to be so close when they were little. Key words being 'used to'. When they were little they were inseparable. They would never leave each others sides. Around the age of five, Elizabeth was more mature than she should have been. She knew how to do math high school students got taught. This also meant she knew a lot of different words. She cursed every time she had the chance. She already knew what everything meant. At this age she also used to make Alyssa do everything for her. If Alyssa didn't do what Elizabeth said or she did it wrong or she didn't do it fast enough, Elizabeth would hit and kick her. Sometimes Alyssa would cry because it hurt so bad. Her parents Rosy and Mitchell Lightwood? They aren't her real parents. They are her adoptive parents. She was put up for adoption at the age of ten. Alyssa wasn't, though. I instantly took her in. Elizabeth was in a mental institute from the ages of six to nine. Why? Well, let me explain. When Elizabeth was six she started watching documentaries about famous serial killers. Not something a six year old little girl should be watching. But, her parents let her anyway. She soon fell in love with Jack the Ripper, Charles Manson, and Ed Gein. She used to say she wanted to be just like them. She didn't disappoint, either. One night when her real parents were sleeping, she went into the kitchen and got a knife out of the drawer. You would think she would've tried to murder her parents, right? Wrong. Instead, she decided the family dog. After she did that she went into Alyssa's room. Can you guess what she did? No, she didn't kill Alyssa. As you can tell. But Elizabeth did try to kill her. That's until Alyssa woke up and saw what Elizabeth was trying to do. She screamed. Their parents rushed into the room. They ran over to Elizabeth and took the knife away from her. Elizabeth just screamed and cursed at them. They didn't know what to do. They had no other choice but to call 911. The police came and talked with Elizabeth's parents. "I killed the dog, you know," Elizabeth suddenly said. She told them where the dog was and she was telling the truth. There lied the dog on the bathroom floor, almost mutilated. It wasn't pretty. That's when the police and the Child Protective Services took Elizabeth and put her in the mental institution. Her parents had no other choice but to let her go. The CPS also thought that Elizabeth's parents weren't really looking out for her behavior, so they took Alyssa from them, too. I didn't want her going to some orphanage so I adopted her. Very sweet girl, she was. Elizabeth stayed in the mental institute for about four years. That's until she finally got put in an orphanage. That's when Mrs. and Mr. Lightwood adopted her, not knowing anything about her past. Now, she's here," Sir finishes up. 

Oh my God. My best friend was a somewhat murderer?

"Why did she stay in the mental institute for so long?" I ask.

"She kept on trying to kill the nurses. Thankfully, she never succeeded," Sir answered.

"How do you know all this? And why did you adopt Lissy?"

"Well, when you're a loving uncle like me then you know a lot about your family and wan to keep them safe."

So, Sir's their uncle? Man, this is too much.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but this is a little bit too much for me. Do you mind if I lie down here? I don't think I'm ready to face Rebecca, or Elizabeth, whatever, right now."

"Not at all. I understand. Go right ahead."

"Thank you so much."

I lie down and fall asleep thinking about Rebecca's, or Elizabeth's, past.

Why did she do all those things?

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