Chapter Twenty-five

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Noah POV

I was sleeping peacefully. I had my girl on the side of me, didn't want to be anywhere else. Everything was going okay. Taking a nice nap with my love. I thought she was sleeping. But she wasn't. She was on the side of me, staring at the wall. It felt like she was paralyzed. I was more than just worried. I was scared for her. 

I shook Rebecca a little to see if she would look at me. She didn't. Not once. 

"Hey. Hey love. What's wrong?" 

She looked at me. "When did you get here?" The tone in her voice didn't sound so sweet. "Where were you?" 

"Rebecca, I've been here the whole time. Remember? We decided to take a small nap together. You were getting a little tired. Do you not remember?" Please remember. 

She sighed. "I'm sorry. I was thinking negatively. The voices in my head made me believe that you were somewhere else. Somewhere that wasn't with me. I'm sorry Noah, truly I am. I don't mean to be this way. I hate it."

"Hate is a strong word. Don't use that word to describe yourself. Let alone what you can't control. Listen to me. Those little voices in your head-"

"They're not little. They're like tornadoes running through my head, over-crossing my brain and making me think terrible thoughts." 

"Well still. They don't define you. You are absolutely amazing, in every sense of the word. I will always be by your side. If you need me, you come and get me. Find me. And if we ever get separated, I will wander the whole earth to find you. You're my love. I'll always be here." I kiss her temple. 

She looks me in the eyes. Not saying a word. Neither one of us are. And honestly I think that this silence between us is saying everything we want to say out loud. Then she hugs me. She seems cold for she is shaking heavily. I grab the blanket and wrap her around in it, holding her close to my chest. Her shaking and shivering calmed down a little with the radiating from the blanket onto her body, plus I think that my body heat is helping some. It might not be helping much, but at least she's getting warmer than she was. Before I put the blanket around her small and fragile frame, her skin was ice cold. I don't understand why. During our nap she had the blanket on her the whole time. She just got freezing cold in a matter of minutes. I hope she's getting warm now. I hate to see her this way. 

"Thank you," she says. 

I respond by kissing the top of her head and holding her even closer than before. I know she understands that I'm meaning to say 'It's my pleasure.' I lay her back down, with me by her side, and she drifts off to sleep. I feel contented at this moment. It brings me joy to know that she's sleeping peacefully now. I should get more sleep as well. I'm still so tired. 

I rub her cheek with my thumb and lay down, instantly falling asleep again. 

I don't have a dream. But I do think. Thinking of the girl sleeping beside me. I wonder what goes through such a beautiful mind like hers. What makes her think that I left. I could never leave such a precious soul. I shall be by her side through thick and thin. I need to talk to her once we both get woken up fully. She hardly ever talks about her emotions and feelings. She's usually really happy. But I can see through her image she tries to pursue. Maybe she'll talk to me. I don't know. I won't force her to talk to me about how she truly feels and thinks about during the day, evening, and night. She will when she's ready and feels most comfortable. But I will ask her about it. 

I worry about her. Rebecca, she's the type of person who will help everyone around her, but won't help herself. I've learned that about her. If she can't and won't help herself, then I will. I'll be her shoulder to cry on when she needs to. I'll be the voice she needs. I just want the absolute best for her. And I will do anything to make her feel okay again. 

Author's Note: I know this is short. But I will make chapters longer whenever I get the time and stop being lazy

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