Chapter Nine

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(Rebecca's POV)

It's now 3 AM. I woke up from my nightmare at 11 PM. How do I know that? There's a working clock on the wall. Convenient, huh? 

I hear someone stirring around. Lissy.

"What are you doing up? You were the one to suggest we go to bed," Lissy asks. 

"Had a nightmare. Why are you up?" I reply.

"I always get up around this time. What was your nightmare about?"

"Rather not say," I reply.

"Oh. Okay. So..."

" are you?" I asked. What else was I supposed to say?

"Tired," Lissy said and laughed.

"Then go back to sleep," I respond to her while laughing.

"No. I need to stay up. If I fall back asleep I won't get up all day. Plus when I do wake up, if I fell back asleep, I'll be super grouchy and have a really bad attitude. And there's some things I have to get done before six."

"Oh. Okay."

"Yeah. But hey, I'm going to take a shower and everything. Don't want my hair to be greasy when Sir comes to get all of us. He probably won't be the one getting us but you know."

"Yeah. Have a nice shower."

Lissy picks out some clothes and walks into the bathroom. I hear the water running so I know she's in the shower now.

She seems nice so far. Not to mean or anything. I feel like she's one of those people who wouldn't hurt a fly but has before. Cause face it- everyone in the world has killed or will kill at least one fly in their lifetime. I mean, of course I have. More than one, actually. But, you know. It's not nice to judge.

"Hey," I hear from behind me.

I gasp and turn around to see Noah right behind me. And when I say 'right behind me' I mean it. We're so close that our noses are touching.

"Hey," I reply back to him.

"Hey," he says again.

"You already said that," I pointed out and giggled.

"Oh. Oops," he says while smiling. His smile is so beautiful.

We're still nose to nose. We've been this way for about five minutes now and I just now noticed. I start to blush a deep red. Noah notices right away.

"Oh. Sorry," he apologizes and moves away.

"Don't be sorry. You did nothing wrong," I say.

"I know, but still."

"Yeah. So what are you doing up this early?"

"I heard you scream. Well, basically you woke me up yourself. But that's okay. Thought I would come over and check on you. Are you alright?"

"I think so. Just a nightmare. You know how scary some nightmares are. It's stupid really. I'm just a baby," I say.

"You're not a baby. Nightmares aren't something to be messing with. Everyone is scared of them. You wan to talk about it?" Noah asks.

"I don't know. I'm afraid I'll start crying again if I do. I can't have that."

"That's fine. Just tell em when you're ready, okay? In the mean time, what do you wan to do?"

"Umm...just talk I guess. I really like talking to people. It helps me get to know the person better."

"Okay. So you want to play twenty questions? It's really fun."

"Sure. I actually love that game. Easy way to get to know people. You want to go first?"

"Sure. How old are you? You never told me that."

"Fourteen. Going to be fifteen on June 4th. You?"

"That's weird. Lissy's turning fifteen on June 4th, too. But I'm fifteen. Turning sixteen on June 26th. Looks like our birthday's are only twenty-two days apart. That's cool. Your turn."

"If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?"

"Florida. Definitely Florida. You?"

"Paris, California, or New York. I've been to all three. I've been to many other places, too, but those were my favorites. I can't really choose between them."

"I can understand that. Three of the most popular places in the world. I've never been to any of those. I never been to Florida, either. I've been here most of my life so. Ever since I was four, I think. But I've heard so many good things about Florida from Sir. He goes there on vacation a lot. So every time he comes back he'll talk about it when Lissy, Halle, and I were cleaning. He just wanted to rub it in our face, though. Halle and Lissy didn't like it but I loved it. The sun and beaches. Florida just sounds amazing."

"I've been to Florida a few times. It's really fun. There was this one time when my family and I had to stay at a tornado house because there was a hurricane going through that area. It was really scary but cool at the same time."

"When we leave this place do you want to go to Florida with me? Cause I'm going no matter what."

"I would be honored."

"Thank you."

"No problem. Oh and by the way, I really like your smile. And your eyes."

"Thanks. I like you."

My eyes grow wider and wider by the second. I know my face is completely red. Again. Why do I have to blush so easily? What should I say? I mean, I have a boyfriend. But I also like Noah. Truthfully I do. But I can't date him. 

"Noah...I have a boyfriend. And I love him very much." Yeah. I love him. Right?

"I understand that. But, do you think we could give it a try? 'Us' a try?" he asks. Oh my God, this is to much. I can't take this. I start to feel myself having a panic attack. 

"I could never cheat on Jace, Noah. I'm not that type of person. And I just don't like you in that way." Why am I lying to both of us? Especially myself?

"Well, that hurt. You know, I was starting to think that you did like me in that way. You always want to talk to me and be near me. What is that supposed to tell me? I know you like me, Rebecca. I just know it. You just have to admit it to yourself."

"I'm being honest, Noah. I don't like you in that way."

"Come talk to me when you've decided to stop lying to yourself and admit your true feelings. You know where I am."

"Noah!" I try yelling to him but he just keeps on walking. 

I collapse on the cot and just start crying. I've ruined Noah's and mine's friendship. Just because I can't tell my own self the truth. I'm hoping that he'll forgive me. I don't know what I would do if he never talked to me ever again. I'm missing him already. Should I go try and talk to him? No. I'l just make everything worse. I always make everything worse. 

What have I done??

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