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  The scars were gone.

  Well, not completely, but this was closest he would ever get to looking like himself again. He ran his finger over the scar on his left eye. It was the only one on his face that wasn't a burn mark, but it was a battle scar. One he got for fighting with the Jedi. Anakin threw his mask to the ground in frustration. There was no going back. The choice he made had been wrong. Anakin Skywalker didn't like being wrong.

  Can I even use that name anymore?

  "Darth Vader." The voice of his Master sounded from behind.

  "Hello, my Master." Anakin said, without much emotion.

  "The burns have gotten better, haven't they? It seems you don't need the mask anymore."

  "Yes, Master."

  "Now, I have a mission for you. Go to-"

  "What is the point of this?" Anakin turned around. "There are only two Jedi left! Haven't they been defeated yet?"

  "We must stamp out the remaining rebels to our Empire. There will be no complaints, apprentice."

"Yes, Master." Anakin said quietly. Even Obi Wan at least let him say his opinion. Just thinking about Obi Wan nearly brought tears to his eyes. Just thinking his name brought back so many memories. His wife, Padme Amidala, was dead, because of him, and his unborn child was killed as well. What kind of father was he?

  "As I was saying, go to the Jedi Temple. I heard they've chosen that as a base, thinking it would be the last place we'd look, as it was the most obvious. Apparently not. Find this new generation, and kill them. I know you have no problem with slaughtering younglings." His Master gave a smirk, and left.


  Anakin knew he could do nothing against his Master. He had refused to train him to his strongest point, until he had fully proven his loyalty. He felt terribly guilty, knowing that there was a whole new generation of Jedi in there, many kids. He threw away his mask, revealing his scarred, but healing face. His hair had grown back as well, and he looked almost normal. Also, if Obi Wan was there, Anakin wanted him to know that he was still the same person.

  Pushing open the temple doors, he pulled down his hood, and looked around. It looked almost the same as the last time he had left it, expect more empty. He heard then, some laughter coming from the next room. The room where they trained the younglings. Anakin breathed deeply, and walked into the room.

  And there, right in front of him, was his old Master. Obi Wan Kenobi.

  "Anakin." Obi Wan whispered, almost incredulously. He moved into a defensive position, in front of the younglings, lightsaber ready. "You won't kill them, not this time."

  "I-I..." Anakin didn't know what to say. He readied his lightsaber.

  "I beat you before, and I'll beat you again, Anakin. Are you sure this is what you want?" Obi Wan looked sad, but determined. He then whispered something, and the younglings all moved to the back corner of the room. Anakin's breath caught in his throat, and, for the second time that day, he nearly let out a tear.

  Anakin rushed at Obi Wan, nearly knocking him over. Obi Wan followed his a hard kick to the stomach. Anakin gasped, but recovered instantly, circling Obi Wan. Obi Wan dodged to the side, jabbing his lightsaber towards Anakin's stomach, which Anakin blocked. The former Jedi and his Master took turns slashing at each other, red against blue. Anakin pressed forwards, and then tripped Obi Wan, but not before he grabbed Anakin's leg. Anakin fell over as well.

  Obi Wan jumped back up quickly, and used the a Force to push Anakin back down. Anakin struggled for a moment, before Force jumping over Obi Wan's head. He then stabbed at him over and over, before catching his old Master's leg. It wasn't a deep cut, and Obi Wan just gritted his teeth, ignoring the slight amount of blood. His pant leg had a burn mark on it.

  Obi Wan, without warning, suddenly pushed Anakin backwards, following with another Force push, which send Anakin flying backwards. He slammed into the wall above the younglings, some of which screamed, and they ran out the door. Black dots were crowding Anakin's vision, and he felt dizzy. The room was swaying.

  Wow, I must have hit my head really, really hard.

  That was the only train of thought that came through Anakin's brain before Obi Wan continued his attacks. Anakin began backing up, before he tripped again, his head hitting against the floor. The only thing he could recognize through the swaying room was a lightsaber against his throat.

  "Anakin Skywalker, you are under arrest."

  And then he blacked out.


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