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Anakin was in a hospital, almost tied to the bed. He tried to lift his arm, but restraints held it down. Anakin suddenly felt a sharp pain in his skull. Slightly moving his head, wincing at the pain, he saw a window, with Obi Wan looking through it.

Anakin cried out as he tried to lift his head, it felt like a lightsaber had stabbed throw it thousands of times. Anakin suddenly fell asleep again.


Waking up for the tenth time, Anakin felt the slightest bit better. He knew he had a horrible concussion, that amount of information had gotten through his brain while listening to medical droid explain his condition to Obi Wan.

"Will he recover?" Obi Wan had asked.

"We don't know yet, Sir, luckily his skull didn't crack, but he has a bad concussion." The droid had explained. "Through, the lightsaber cuts have all healed cleanly."

Anakin felt stiff. He still felt dizzy every time he moved his head, but at least it didn't fell like someone had stabbed his brain. Obi Wan had visited him almost three times per day, staying hours at a time, but Anakin had been too woozy from the concussion to talk. Last time he woke up, he had seen Yoda looking through the window with two younglings, and girl and a boy. Anakin didn't remember the details.

"Anakin?" Obi Wan's voice called.

Anakin groaned, the first time he'd used his voice for anything other than cries of pain for the last... Week?

"So, you can hear me. The medical droids told me you have a concussion."


"So, it might take another couple months to heal to an extent that you'll be able to be completely up and running, but in two weeks, the Jedi Council want to talk to you.

  "Why?" Anakin croaked. "I'm a traitor."

  "Anyone with a brain could tell you had been tricked. The Jedi Council would like to hold a trial, of some sort."

"I saw... Yoda. He had two younglings with him. Who were they?" Anakin blinked. He felt that he had some sort of connection to them. Why else would Yoda have brought them there?

"Can we discuss that later? To heal properly, you aren't allowed to concentrate on anything. Just sleep until you get better."


It had been two weeks, and Anakin could now walk around. Mostly just in his room, but he still experienced pounding headaches, and felt dizzy most of the time. But, today was the day the Jedi Council would decide if he was a traitor or not.

"Ready, Anakin?" Obi Wan slipped into the room.

"No," Anakin said simply. "I don't think I could ever be prepared for this."

"I wouldn't be able to either."

Anakin and Obi Wan walked, side by side, to the Jedi Council. Neither of them said a word, until right outside the door.

"I'm sorry." Anakin turned to look at Obi Wan. "I really am."

"Good luck." Says Obi Wan, and walks through the door. Anakin couldn't help but feel hurt. He walked inside. It seemed, in the time Anakin had left, the Jedi Council had brought in some new members, but Anakin didn't know any of them. The only two he was focused on were Yoda and Obi Wan.

"Sit down." Yoda says, "Heard a lot about your behaviour the last years, we have."

"I understand that what I did was wrong, I-" Anakin began to ramble, his heart racing.

"Anakin, we knew he was your friend, and he tricked you. He warped your beliefs, and changed them to reflect badly on us. However, there are many crimes you have now committed. You've killed younglings, you've supported the Empire. It was your choice to continue following him."

"Yes, I know. It was all a huge mistake. I thought that I could..." Anakin trailed off

"You could what, young Skywalker?"

"Save Padme," Anakin hung his head.

  "You turned to the Dark Side... To save Padme." Obi Wan repeats. "What do you think, Master Yoda?"

  "Foolish, he was, but not completely guilty." Yoda contemplates. "Forgive him, I will."

  "As much as you betrayed us- and me,- I believe that you can still be loyal." Obi Wan says. "You were loyal to Padme until the end,"

  "Thanks you, Master," Anakin looked up. "I look forward to correcting my mistake. And, I have a question."

  "Is it about the two younglings you saw with Master Yoda?" Obi Wan asks.


  "They are your children."


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