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Dragonclaw and wingpelt sat outside. Wingpelt sat next to dragonclaw and layed down at her paws. "so have you thought about what you want your future to be while your a warrior?" mewed wingpelt. "well not really but i have put some thought into it i want to find out what the prophecy means and i also want to be leader you know that what about you?" "well when i get old enough im going to try and get my crush to like me.......well have you though of it? Um do you have a crush or i dont know want a mate when you get older?" wingpelts fur burned with heat licking his chest fur worried about what she would say. "oh well i dont think anyone likes me and i dont blame them who would." wingpelt looked at her "dont say that! I dont know who wouldn't like you your nice and fun to be around and if no one likes you just know that i......" he paused as he was about to tell her about his crush on her he tried so hard not to blush. "you what wingpelt...?" he didnt respond still trying to hide his smiles dragonclaw looked away up at the stars waiting for dawn to turn into a new day. Soon the sun started to warm there pelts as the black sky turns to yellow. Wingpelt looked at dragonclaw "we did it! Were really warriors now!" he smiled. "yea thats great but im exhausted." she yawned her words as wingpelt responded. "yea same lets go get some rest." they walked back into the camp and found some empty nests to sleep in draginclaw drifted into sleep with wingpelt right beside her. Dragonclaw soon awoken in a dream, she was in the forest shocked at what she saw it was a pair of dogs they where coming close to her they attacked! But soon that giant shadow flew over and the dogs looked up. Dragonclaws eyes widened at what she saw the shadow was a black dragon! Her father told her these creatures were rare so she was surprised to see one. The dragon growled and the dogs looked in fear and then ran away. Dragonclaw stared at the dragon as a black shadow came from behind she saw who it was. "FATHER?! Is that you?" she ran up to him. "yes dragonclaw i am here and i need to tell you this you cant let others bring you down because of your culture it does not matter if you are a half dragon or not you cant let them get to you if you do they will think that they can harm you any way you can and they will think you wont do anything they will think of you as weak remember what i say!" he disappeared into the shadows as the dream faded waking up into a new day.

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