Chapter 11

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Red stained underwear,

                “Oh no” I moaned, why now! I tried to calm myself and forget about the fact that my mum wasn’t here to embarrass me to tell me congratulations in front of my brother. My dad wasn’t here to mess up my hair and tell me how much I had grown, or my brother to bug me about how I was emotional and scream out that I was bleeding in public. I had to think, I didn’t want Jay to know if I could avoid it. So who could I talk to? There was his mum but she would probably tell him. I left the bathroom, and went to find another girl. No one, not even his mother was here.

                “Lucy, come on we are gonna be late for your first day of school” Jay said as he walked down the corridor, I spun around to look at him, he had a backpack in his hand. In fact my backpack my mum had got it for me while we were travelling around the world.

                “MY BACKPACK!” I screamed excitedly, I turned away slightly embarrassed at my outburst, and what I had to say next. “Uh Jay, I’ve had my first period” I gushed, looking at the ground. I glanced up at him to see him staring at me as if I had told him I was pregnant. He placed my backpack on the ground and left the room. I ran to my backpack, and opened it up; my drawing book, photo album, pack of cards and my doll were all packed away nicely. Someone had been through my bag. A pencil case had also been added on top of all of my things. I took out my sketch book and one of the pencils and started drawing my family with Alex standing with them, holding his mate like my parents use to. And Matt is holding me on his shoulders like he had done so many times before. By the time Jay returned I had nearly finished the drawing. Jay’s mother followed behind him, and shooed him out of the room, and began explaining what I needed to know. It was 10:30 before Jay decided we could go to school; he walked me into the main office and signed me in while getting me all the information for my first class.

                “You’re in F4 for your first lesson and it’s maths” he informed me, I didn’t know anything about maths but what he had taught me.  I slowly opened the door, and walked into the room the teacher was walking around the classroom looking at the kids work.

                “Ahh, you must be Lucy.” She said, I nodded my head and handed her the note that I had been given, and told to hand to her. The teacher looked at the front and was about to put it down,

                “Turn it over” I practically whispered. The teacher did, and she read it once, then twice and then a third time before pointing at a seat and signaling that I should sit down.  I pulled one of the exercise books out of the new bag Jay had given me. I then pulled out my timetable and attempted to write Maths on it, slowly I tried to copy the shapes over.

                “Do you need a hand?” asked the blonde next to me; I looked at her, then down to her work to see how neat her writing was compared to the M which I had managed to somewhat shape.

                “Uhh yes please” she smiled at me and wrote Math neatly in the square, which had writing in.

                “Can you read?” I blushed and looked away before murmuring

                “I was never taught.” She giggled a bit then,

                “really! You were never taught to read? What about write!?” she said as if it was an absurd idea. “As in I know in certain countries girls aren’t given an education, but you aren’t from one of those are you?” her giddiness at the idea was kinda scary.

                “Uhh no, we travelled a lot I never really needed to learn” I said. The teacher then appeared in front of my desk, scolding the blonde for distracting me.

                “Now Lucy, I was told your education hasn’t been the best. Is this right?” She asked politely, I nodded my head in response. “Ok well were studying Algebra…” the teacher continued to explain how it worked. But she had to stop to explain simpler concepts like addition and subtraction. She got the girl next to me to help me with it, and gave me worksheets to complete at home. The blonde’s name was Claire, and she was nice. For the rest of the day she either helped me in class or got one of her friends to. Jay appeared in between classes and walked me to the different rooms I was in, he growled at one of Claire’s friends to my horror.

                “Why is Jay, the cutest boy in the school walking you to your different classes? You’re not dating are you? You know it illegal for you to do anything more than talk with him right? Is that why you started school here because of him?” Claire blasted me with questions to why and how I knew Jay; I just sat there too stunned to say anything. “Lucy?”

                “Umm Claire I don’t know how to answer your questions, he is the reason I’m here, but what’s dating?” Claire burst out laughing uncontrollably until the teacher sent her out of the room. I turned to Claire’s male friend Mike, when he answered the question.

                “When to people start going to the movies, talking more, texting more, seeing each other more, kissing and that sort of stuff. It’s hard to explain, I guess like your parents except less serious and no kids” he mumbled out, but once he brought up my parent the world seemed to disappear, tears streaked from my cheeks as I ran from the classroom, with the teacher yelling behind me.

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