Chapter 4

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A/N This gets a bit weird... Enjoy

Lucy’s POV

He turned and left, leaving me alone to my thoughts. I lay down on the bed, exhausted from the never ending day. Tears slowly began to fall down my face, as thoughts of my family came flowing into my mind. I don’t know how much time passed, before I finally succumbed to sleep. When I awoke, someone was gently stroking my hair. I looked up to see who it was, once I saw I jumped up. And screamed at the top of my lungs. It was like I was temporarily blind; all I could see was his malicious face, and my family’s lifeless body. Their eyes’ staring into oblivion and their bodies were covered in blood. I had watched, and done nothing as they had the throats torn from the breathing bodies, I watched as their faces paled, and their body had stiffened. I couldn’t stop screaming, every second I saw their faces and how they were dead, and I was living. I had started thrashing around, trying to free myself from whatever was trying to hold me down. His calming words, did little to stop my mental break down, I don’t think I wanted it to stop.

            “Shhhh Lucy, it’s all right. Stop screaming, everything’s ok, no one is going to hurt you.” He was lying to me, he was there. He hurt me.

            “Get away, Get away!” My calming body suddenly freaked.

            “Calm down Lucy, I promise I won’t hurt you.” His final plea did what it was meant to. I finally snapped out of my freak out, and stared at him.

            "You won’t hurt me? You already have hurt me! You killed my family, the only people I ever knew. You ruined my life, I loved being with my family, and now they are gone.” My voice came out weak at first, but gained strength as I finished the sentence. He engrossed me in a hug, as I tried to fight him off.

            “Shhh, that’s all over now” he told me. The more I fought, the stronger his grip on me was. I suddenly had an idea. I looked up at him, meeting his gaze. Before slamming my leg upwards, in hope that I would reach my target. When his grip on me weakened, I pushed away from him as strong and fast as I would. His grip on me failed, and allowed me to sprint out the open door. I ran down random corridors, and tried to find the exit. I was so concentrated on getting away from Jay, and not tripping on the floor. That I didn’t notice the man who had stepped in front of me, and enclosed my arms around him. Bringing my escape to a halt, I stepped on his foot with all my might, only to get a wicked smile pointed at me. Telling me, that I would have to try harder than that to get him to release me. I was about to try and kick him in where the sun don’t shine, when a pair of firm hands landed on my shoulders. The man who had been stopping me from running, released me from his death grip, and the hands on my shoulder, pulled me towards Alpha Jay. I looked up, terrified about what my latest escape had cost me. His smile was not a polite or happy. It was a horrible and terrifying smile, one that showed he had a plan. I was fighting his grip, when he lowered his face, to my neck.

            “Don’t move or I will mark you.” He taunted, I don’t think it had the desired effect. Instead of standing still. I freaked out, I thrashed against him harder, terrified that he would actually bite my. I could feel his canines grazing my neck. When suddenly pain erupted in my neck, as he sunk his teeth into my soft skin. It hurt, like you would expect a bite to hurt. But with each pump of my heart. The saliva was carried further and further into my body. Anywhere the venom reached, shot into pain. It was like a flame, was underneath my skin. An itch which was just out of reach but so much more painful. As the pain increase, my mental capability decreased. Until it turned into a panicked blackness.

Light was seeping through my eyelids, I tried moving my hands, but only my left one reacted. This concerned me, a lot. I opened my eyes, and looked up to see my right hand restrained, to the bed. It had been handcuffed, to one of the headboard spokes. I looked around to see Alpha Jay sitting in the chair across from me.

            “I warned you” was all he said.

            “You bit me!” I screamed “do you know how painful that is? And don’t try and say of course I do. Because you don’t! It’s not less painful because you’re my mate! Did you even stop to think how much more painful it is for me, I haven’t even shifted!” He looked worried for a second, I stared him down, waiting for his reply.

            “I shall not lose you. Ever, even if it means I have to cause you pain. You shall never leave my side.” He spoke harshly. Quickly pain erupted in my skull, at first. But then it moved to all of my body, like my bones were growing. “Do you want the pain to go away?” The pain wasn’t subsiding, just getting worse.

            “What do you think?” I spat, the pain not decreasing no matter what I did.

            “I want a proper answer” he tattered

            “Yes” I stuttered it out, in many syllables.

            “Good girl” he chided. Not a second after he finished saying that, the pain changed, my bones no longer felt like they were cracking, they felt like they were healing themselves, it didn’t stop the pain much. Until my body felt like it was its normal self.  “Now, don’t make me call out your wolf again, that’s just a taster of the pain I can cause. Without touching you” he smirked. Leaving terror plain on my face. Mates aren’t meant to hurt you my ass! Mine was more than happy to. “And if your good, you can go to school” he continued, talking to me like I was a two year old. I had never been to school, I couldn’t right. Or read, or do maths. It’s what came with a life on the run, we couldn’t stay anywhere to long, and other rogues would attack us, or packs if they found us. My brother had done school for about a month, and could read some baby books. If we ever stopped at a library, he would read the children’s books to me. “Now, the doors locked, and I have food and a clean change of clothes for you. If I release your wrist will you be good enough to eat and have a shower? Or do I have to help you shower?” His threat was clear, and stated. To him, well he was probably hoping that I would refuse. And he could than see me naked. But sadly, I wasn’t that dumb, I would have to agree to be a good girl, or suffer the consequences. As much as it made me mad, I had to agree.

            “Fine, I’ll be good. If you stop talking to me like I’m a dog.” I told him, he paused before he answered, and allowed a grin to spread onto his face.

            “But you are a bitch” he smiled with glee of his joke. I on the other hand, was not impressed at all.

            “Not yet I’m not” I answered back, trying to keep my cool. He carefully undid the handcuff, which was making my right arm immobile.

            “Don’t move” he warned. I followed the order, because I could see the food. It looked like soup and bread. He placed it in front of me. I knew what I was about to do would end badly, but he deserved it. I picked up the bread and began tearing it apart, as if I was going to stick it in the soup. When I was done, I picked up the spoon and filled it with soup. I quickly flicked it at him, before I could flick more at him; he was by my side and holding the spoon. This was only seconds ago in my hands.  He towered over me, and growled down viciously.

            “That was a very bad move” he growled out. “Now I get to help you shower” Sadly the soup had missed him, and I was still paying for it. He filled the spoon with soup, and shoved it into my mouth. “If you are going to be childish, than I shall treat you like a child” he informed me. Before shoving another mouthful of the soup into my mouth. He did it another three times, than deciding that I had had enough, he moved the tray away from me. He gripped my arms, and dragged me to the door, which I knew to be the bathroom.  Once inside, he slammed the door shut and locked it. “Get undressed” he commanded, looking very pleased with the idea, pedophile.

            “Not in front of you” I told him, he frowned. But very kindly turned around so I could shower. It was the most embarrassing thing I had ever done, even with his back turned.

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