Chapter 10

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I opened my eyes, to find my chest nestled in Jay’s chest, with his arms surrounding my body. I went to pull away when Jay’s voice cut into the silence.

                “Don’t move” I was too scared to disobey him, who knew what he would do if I did. I turned my head slightly and saw the room, it was a mess.  There was a hole in the cupboard door, and the bed side table was in pieces. The bed itself was smashed, and the covers torn to pieces. Eventually Jay picked himself up and me in the process. But he didn’t release his grip on my waist; he began walking to the kitchen, pulling me along with him. Once we reached the kitchen, Jay growled at everyone and they all left. I looked up at Jay wide eyed and scared, but he just started grabbing different ingredients. I took his distraction and tried to leave the room, but before I even reached the door, loud growls were filling the room. “Lucy, sit down” was all he said, I quickly obliged at sat at the table facing him. It was weird, how quickly he went from mad wolf man to calm human boy. “There’s a full moon in a week, the day before, the day and the day after neither you or I will be going to school” he told me.

                “Why?” Not that I was sure I would even like school, but I still wanted to know why I would have to miss some.

                “Because a full moon will make my wolf a lot more dominant so it’s better if both you and me stay together” he said it like spending time with him was the best thing in the world. In fact it was my least favorite. I saw him tense, but he quickly shrugged it off. When he finished cooking, he put a plate of pikelets in front of me. I reached out of the lemon and sugar, but it was on a plate in the middle of the table, and my arms were too small. But before I could complain, Jay’s arm stretched over me, picked it up and then handed it to me.

                “Thank you” I mumbled, sprinkling the sugar all over the plate. I turned to look at Jay, to find him smiling down at me. After I had finished eating, I got up to put the plate in the sink, when Jay took the plate off me and putting it in the sink for me.

                “You have to learn the alphabet today, and if possible your times tables” Jay said, I didn’t want to.


                “WHY IS SHE HIS MATE!” I screamed, throwing the table I was holding towards the men around me. None of them answered me; I picked up the chair closest to me, and smashed it into the wall. “We have to get her out of there!” I said, trying to calm myself, my little sister who I loved with all my heart was there, why wasn’t she with my parents?! “You said she was going to start school Lucas, when?” I asked, a plan slowly forming in my head.

                “Tomorrow Alex and it’s a full moon in a week, we would have to get her out before then” He pointed out; I liked Lucas he was smart and picked up on the little things. I could see his mate whispering something to him and watched as he chuckled. It made me wonder what my mate was up to, but now was not the time to find out what mischief she was in.

                “Yes, good point. If she’s not out by then the bond will be stronger. But she will probably try to find him on the full moon anyway. Has she shifted yet?” I asked, thinking aloud.

                “No Alex, we would have been able to smell it, but she has been through her first heat.” Lucas replied. That was bad; it meant her bond was strengthened.

                “What would be the best way to get her out?” I asked, slowly forming plans in my head.

                “Kidnap her from one of her classes; I have a friend in the local police force that could get her out of class, and the school. We would then just drive her out of Jay’s territory.” He said, hmm. That would work.

                “He will have people with her in class probably, what about them?” I asked, seeing all the flaws in this plan like I always do. “Won’t they alert him straight away?”

                “Uhhh, yes. That would be a problem. But there is nothing we could do about it. We would have to get the police to take her to the end of his territory, so they wouldn’t be able to track her as well.”

                “Make plans for this Lucas, I would like to find my mate. I’m sure she’s at some mall somewhere trying to spend my savings.” With a chuckle I left the room, feeling calmer than before. I was going to save my sister. I walked into the kitchen, and to my surprise Olivia my mate was sitting down with a book. She hadn’t noticed me walk in; so I snuck up behind, quickly spun her chair around. And kissed her. I couldn’t even finish the kiss, because she had started giggling.

                “Olivia, you remember Lucy right, we found her. But we also found her mate, Alpha Jay.” Olivia’s face instantly turned into disgust,

                “My old Alpha! No wonder he was so interested in you when you found me and asked me to run away with you” she said, she was thinking aloud like she always did.

                “Yes, him” I said just as annoyed as she was.

                “He won’t let her go, you know that right. He wouldn’t let an omega go and be with her mate, why would he let his mate go with her family!” She yelled in horror.

                “We, plan on kidnapping her. She would like it here wouldn’t she?” I asked her, worried of what she would think.

                “I want to help!” She told me, pure horror swept through me, no, absolutely not. I will not let her get hurt, or risk losing her.

                “No Olivia, you are to stay here where he can’t get his hands on you. I want you safe at all times” I warned her, waiting to see if she would disagree with me. Who was I kidding, of course she would.

                “Not this time Alex, not this time. I want her safe just as much as you do; I want her here to meet our child.” I looked at her in horror, our child! She wasn’t pregnant, was she?

                “You’re pregnant!” I said in disbelief “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME EARLIER” I yelled in horror, she needed to stay calm and safe and out of the way.

                “Because you would do this” she said pointedly while I dragged her out of the room, and into our private section of the house. She had barely finished her sentence by the time I had put her on the bed to relax.

                “Alex don’t freak out, just let me help you” she said politely as ever when she was trying to get her way. But not this time.

                “Not this time Olivia, I need you safe.” I smiled down at her before hopping on the bed next to her, asking about what she would need.

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