Chapter 3: Night three

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"Hello once again my somewhat fRiend, tonight I don't really have any advice for you. However I do have a very meaningfUl quote. " Why put stal icing on a cake when there is fresh cream?" - anoNymous. I'm not sure why, but I thought it might help you foR more than jUst tonight. Also I wanted to tell you that you are in greater daNger than you know.

Signed your somewhat friend Makette.

P.S. Watch your brother's actions carefully... "

Lapin read aloud. " Je me demande pourquoi Makette garde capitalisant lettres aléatoires, et ce qu'elle veut dire "regarder les actions de votre frère avec plus de soin?( I wonder why Makette keeps capitalizing random letters, and what does she mean "watch your brother's actions more carefully?)" Lapin said very confusedly as she checked the cameras. " M-miss R-r-rabbit?" a seemingly british voice said shyly in the rafters. Lapin turned to face it quick as a whip. " Y-yes?" Lapin said nervously. " um... I was ah... wondering if ah... you could just um... make me a little promise maybe?" the voice said quietly. Carefully Lapin replied calmly " If you tell me what I'm promising you.". The voice quietly said " Well you're just um... no ah... well you're promising that you'll um... you're basically promising that you'll help us out with an old plan that we want to set in motion... d-don't worry y-your p-p-p-part will be really easy you know if you um, choose to help that is... t-the plan's gonna start tomorrow night at twelve thirty-five... i-if you want to help then p-p-p-please tell me now... if that's ok with you..." . Lapin thought about it for a second " Ok who ever you are I'll go along with your plan.". " R-really?! T-t-t-thank you so much miss rabbit!" the voice said with a large amount of excitement. The rest of the night continued on without anyone seeming to have left their places. Lapin went home confused and told her older brother about what had been going on.

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